Cracking below the window of the former Lyttelton Fire Station and Public Library. The photographer comments, "The building at 2 Sumner Road has been sadly damaged by the quake. I was unsure of its future, but now this building has been demolished".
Small, tight-knit communities, are complex to manage from outside during a disaster. The township of Lyttelton, New Zealand, and the communities of Corsair Bay, Cass Bay, and Rapaki to the east, are especially more so difficult due to the terrain that encloses them, which caused them to be cut-off from Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island, barely 10 km away, after the Mw 7.1 Darfield Earthquake and subsequent Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. Lyttelton has a very strong and deep-rooted community spirit that draws people to want to be a part of Lyttelton life. It is predominantly residential on the slopes, with retail space, service and light industry nestled near the harbour. It has heritage buildings stretching back to the very foundation of Canterbury yet hosts the largest, modern deep-water port for the region. This study contains two surveys: one circulated shortly before the Darfield Earthquake and one circulated in July 2011, after the Christchurch and Sumner Earthquakes. An analytical comparison of the participants’ household preparedness for disaster before the Darfield Earthquake and after the Christchurch and Sumner Earthquakes was performed. A population spatiotemporal distribution map was produced that shows the population in three-hourly increments over a week to inform exposure to vulnerability to natural hazards. The study went on to analyse the responses of the participants in the immediate period following the Chrsitchurch and Sumner Earthquakes, including their homeward and subsequent journeys, and the decision to evacuate or stay in their homes. Possible predictors to a decision to evacuate some or all members of the household were tested. The study also asked participants’ views on the events since September 2010 for analysis.
The Earthquake Commission calls a householder and tells him the 'good news' that his house which was left by the earthquakes in 'such an angle you couldn't live in it' has been refloated by the recent heavy rain and is now level again. The 'bad news' is that the house was last seen floating in the sea off Sumner.
In June 2013 heavy rains had caused flooding in Canterbury. Christchurch was affected especially in the liquefaction prone areas, where the ground had sunk because of the earthquakes.
Colour and black and white versions available
Other Titles - Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:"Established in a conservation estate...likely to harm our unique flora and fauna..." 31 May 2013
Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Text at top left reads 'Christchurch display portaloos' Four different styles of portaloo are shown; the "Merivale", the 'Sumner", the "Heritage" and the "Eastsider"; someone inside the 'Eastsider says 'At least I'm open plan AND mobile!' Context - After the tow Christchurch earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks that have hit Christchurch one of the problems is lack of toilets because of damage to buildings and also damage to sewage systems so many portaloos and chemical toilets have been sent to Christchurch. However many people have resorted to the good old kiwi way and dug long-drops in the backyard. A website '' has been developed by Christchurch man Jason Moore, who was inspired by photographs of Christchurch dunnies uploaded to Facebook. There has been a competition.
Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).