Shows Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee delighted with his plan to rebuild Christchurch and to have it paid for buy the PM's casino. Context: Refers to the Christchurch Central Development Unit that Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee has put in place. Refers also to the very controversial deal that Prime Minister John Key has made with Auckland's SkyCity to the effect that SkyCity will pay the full construction cost of a new convention centre - estimated at $350 million, in return for being allowed to add more gaming tables and machines, and extending its licence beyond 2021. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'If a secret microphone was smuggled into CERA's meetings?...' A group of CERA staff chat during tea at a meeting. They make unguarded comments about the state of affairs in earthquake-stricken Christchurch unaware that a microphone has been left in a sugarbowl. Context: the cartoon suggests that there seems to many Christchurch people to be a lack of real care on the part of officialdom as they struggle to recover from the earthquake damage. The microphone recalls that left 'accidentally' on a table at which Prime Minister John Key and the ACT candidate for the Epsom seat were having a highly publicised cup of tea. Then when it was discovered that a microphone had recorded their conversation John Key tried to get a court order to supress making it public. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Someone in a car full of passengers who represent '10,000 residents' says 'For Pete's sake... Are they ever going to change?' Spider webs have been spun between the car and the road as the car waits at a traffic light that represents the 'land report' and is stuck on orange. Context - Context - On Thursday 23 June Prime Minister John Key, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and representatives from engineering consultants Tonkin & Taylor announced the first part of the Government's long-awaited land report that revealed the fate of up to 5000 quake-damaged homes. These homes were in the 'red zone'. But 10,500 owners in the orange zone were left in limbo, with their properties requiring further assessment. The areas included Kaiapoi, Pines Beach, Brooklands, Spencerville, Parklands and Queenspark ( 6 July 2011)) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'The earth moved...... and so did the government's infrastructure spending estimate'. Centre cartoon is the text '$17 billion' set against the backdrop of a seismic graph. Context - Auckland and Christchurch have been given top priority in the Government's latest national infrastructure plan, with more than seven billion dollars of its $17 billion budget going to the two cities. NZ Council for Infrastructure chief executive Stephen Selwood says hes not surprised at the large amount of funding going to Auckland and Christchurch, saying its clear the Christchurch rebuild will require a major commitment and Aucklands continued growth also requires significant funding. (Source:, 5 July 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A female bartender chats with a customer as she pours his beer. She asks him about his jersey, saying 'That's not one of those expensive Adidas jerseys is it?' and he replies 'No - it's a Christchurch "After the quake" jersey!' The jersey has on the front three rectangular shapes that are tipping over. Context: Adidas has been at the centre of a jersey-pricing storm since it was revealed the replica tops could be bought much cheaper overseas. The jersey had been listed for sale at $US79.99 ($NZ92.68) on the US website and could also be found cheaper on British websites. It was retailing for $220 in New Zealand, but retailers have dropped the price as the debate has raged. Adidas has refused to drop the wholesale price. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Text at top left reads 'Earthquake... aftershock... or "new event"... one thing remains constant...' Below is a snail with 'EQC payments' printed on its shell. Context - This is a reference to the problems that Christchurch people are having in getting payments from the EQC (Earthquake Commission) Disgruntled tradespeople who are owed hundreds of thousands of dollars by EQC are considering legal action. Remaining unpaid can mean that companies may have to consider laying people off. The Amalgamated Workers Union says delays in EQC payments for housing repair work in quake-hit Christchurch are building to a crisis point. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Questions to Ministers 1. CHRIS AUCHINVOLE to the Minister of Commerce: What legislative and regulatory steps has he taken to help restore investor confidence in the financial markets? 2. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: Does she stand by her reported statement that it would be pre-emptive to rule anything out because the Government was still working its way through extensive recommendations by the Welfare Working Group? 3. TE URUROA FLAVELL to the Minister of Transport: Ka aha ia ki te whakapaipai ake i te āhua o ngā rori i te tuawhenua, he hapori Māori nei te nuinga o ngā tāngata ki reira, ā, e kiia nei e ētahi, he pērā aua rori ki ngā mea o ngā ao pōhara rawa atu? * Translation: What will he do to improve the conditions of roads in rural, predominately Māori communities, some of which have been described as of third world status? 4. Hon TREVOR MALLARD to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his answer to Oral Question No 1 yesterday in relation to unemployed 15 to 19-year-olds, "If we look at the household labour force survey, we see that there are 26,700 people in the 15 to 19-year-old category"? 5. TIM MACINDOE to the Minister of Health: What progress are district health boards making in providing faster cancer radiation treatment for patients? 6. GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister of Health: Are district health boards being funded sufficiently to maintain the level of services they provided in 2010/11? 7. KEVIN HAGUE to the Minister of Labour: When will the new chief inspector for mining and additional inspectors in the planned High Hazards Unit become operational? 8. CHARLES CHAUVEL to the Minister of Justice: Does he agree with the Chief Justice that the scheme for disclosure by the defence in criminal cases contained in the Criminal Procedure (Reform and Modernisation) Bill is "inconsistent with the defendant's right to have the prosecution prove its case beyond reasonable doubt" and with the late Chief District Court Judge that punishment at sentencing for procedural non-compliance "is conceptually incoherent and therefore arbitrary"? 9. Hon TAU HENARE to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What is the Government doing to help teen parents get ahead? 10. Hon LIANNE DALZIEL to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: How many letters of offer from the Crown will be sent to insured residential red zone property owners this week? 11. NIKKI KAYE to the Minister of Internal Affairs: What announcements has he made today on improving flexibility for community groups receiving grants from gaming societies? 12. DARIEN FENTON to the Minister of Labour: Does she stand by her statement about making changes to mine safety that "until the royal commission of inquiry makes its findings, we will wait accordingly"?
The integrity of the entire public service is under scrutiny after revelations about the close relationship between a private security firm Thompson and Clark and the SIS and the Ministry for Primary Industries. In March, the State Services Commissioner Peter Hughes ordered an investigation after it was revealed the firm spied on Canterbury earthquake claimants for Southern Response. That was was further widened to include the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment which has been accused by Greenpeace of using the company to spy on them. On Tuesday as a result of RNZ inquiries, Mr Hughes widened the investigation even further to cover all government department and scores of other public sector agencies such as District Health Boards. State Services Minister Chris Hipkins is demanding answers. The SIS emails show a staff member and one of the Thompson and Clark directors were old friends who met regularly. Also an OIA request from RNZ News has triggered the uncovering of what the Ministry for Primary Industries describes as potentially serious misconduct by several former staff members. Joining us to explain the details are the reporters who have been doing this digging, Checkpoint's Zac Fleming and Conan Young. Thompson and Clark's Gavin Clark declined to come on Morning Report but in an email said Thompson and Clark is willing to cooperate fully with the SSC and will await the investigation to take its natural course.
This thesis describes the strategies for earthquake strengthening vintage clay bricks unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. URM buildings are well known to be vulnerable to damage from earthquake-induced lateral forces that may result in partial or full building collapse. The 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes are the most recent destructive natural disaster that resulted in the deaths of 185 people. The earthquake events had drawn people’s attention when URM failure and collapse caused about 39 of the fatality. Despite the poor performance of URM buildings during the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes, a number of successful case study buildings were identified and their details research in-depth. In order to discover the successful seismic retrofitting techniques, two case studies of retrofitted historical buildings located in Christchurch, New Zealand i.e. Orion’s URM substations and an iconic Heritage Hotel (aka Old Government Building) was conducted by investigating and evaluating the earthquake performance of the seismic retrofitting technique applied on the buildings prior to the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and their performance after the earthquakes sequence. The second part of the research reported in this thesis was directed with the primary aim of developing a cost-effective seismic retrofitting technique with minimal interference to the vintage clay-bricks URM buildings. Two retrofitting techniques, (i) near-surface mounted steel wire rope (NSM-SWR) with further investigation on URM wallettes to get deeper understanding the URM in-plane behaviour, and (ii) FRP anchor are reported in this research thesis.
The self-regulation approach to educating parents focusses on promoting parenting confidence, independence, and the ability to solve future problems. As parents learn the skills to modify their own behaviour, in turn, they aim to foster self-regulation in their children/adolescents. A need had been identified by Christchurch school principals for the Ministry of Education to respond to the post-earthquake stress in local families. The aim of this study was to investigate if a parenting programme was effective in promoting parental self-management skills and adolescent behaviour change in Christchurch families affected by earthquakes between 2010 and 2012. A single case research design was used to follow five families with adolescents (12-16 years old) as they participated in a Group Teen Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme. Measures of self-management skill acquisition were taken during three family discussions (pre-intervention, mid-intervention, and post-intervention) and during the three telephone consultations (Sessions 5-7). Adolescent target behaviour tallies were also analysed for change. The main findings showed that parental self-management skill acquisition increased over-time accompanied by positive change in adolescent behaviour. Additionally, the results suggested that higher rates and levels of self-management skill acquisition in the parents were associated with greater improvements in adolescent behaviour. This study demonstrated that Group Teen Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme was effective in promoting self-management competencies in parents and behaviour change in adolescents.
Environmental stress and disturbance can affect the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems by altering their physical, chemical and biological features. In estuaries, benthic invertebrate communities play important roles in structuring sediments, influencing primary production and biogeochemical flux, and occupying key food web positions. Stress and disturbance can reduce species diversity, richness and abundance, with ecological theory predicting that biodiversity will be at its lowest soon after a disturbance with assemblages dominated by opportunistic species. The Avon-Heathcote Estuary in Christchurch New Zealand has provided a novel opportunity to examine the effects of stress, in the form of eutrophication, and disturbance, in the form of cataclysmic earthquake events, on the structure and functioning of an estuarine ecosystem. For more than 50 years, large quantities (up to 500,000m3/day) of treated wastewater were released into this estuary but in March 2010 this was diverted to an ocean outfall, thereby reducing the nutrient loading by around 90% to the estuary. This study was therefore initially focussed on the reversal of eutrophication and consequent effects on food web structure in the estuary as it responded to lower nutrients. In 2011, however, Christchurch was struck with a series of large earthquakes that greatly changed the estuary. Massive amounts of liquefied sediments, covering up to 65% of the estuary floor, were forced up from deep below the estuary, the estuary was tilted by up to a 50cm rise on one side and a corresponding drop on the other, and large quantities of raw sewage from broken wastewater infrastructure entered the estuary for up to nine months. This study was therefore a test of the potentially synergistic effects of nutrient reduction and earthquake disturbance on invertebrate communities, associated habitats and food web dynamics. Because there was considerable site-to-site heterogeneity in the estuary, the sites in this study were selected to represent a eutrophication gradient from relatively “clean” (where the influence of tidal flows was high) to highly impacted (near the historical discharge site). The study was structured around these sites, with components before the wastewater diversion, after the diversion but before the earthquakes, and after the earthquakes. The eutrophication gradient was reflected in the composition and isotopic chemistry of primary producer and invertebrate communities and the characteristics of sediments across the sample sites. Sites closest to the former wastewater discharge pipe were the most eutrophic and had cohesive organic -rich, fine sediments and relatively depauperate communities dominated by the opportunistic taxa Capitellidae. The less-impacted sites had coarser, sandier sediments with fewer pollutants and far less organic matter than at the eutrophic sites, relatively high diversity and lower abundances of micro- and macro-algae. Sewage-derived nitrogen had became incorporated into the estuarine food web at the eutrophic sites, starting at the base of the food chain with benthic microalgae (BMA), which were found to use mostly sediment-derived nitrogen. Stable isotopic analysis showed that δ13C and δ15N values of most food sources and consumers varied spatially, temporally and in relation to the diversion of wastewater, whereas the earthquakes did not appear to affect the overall estuarine food web structure. This was seen particularly at the most eutrophic site, where isotopic signatures became more similar to the cleaner sites over two-and-a-half years after the diversion. New sediments (liquefaction) produced by the earthquakes were found to be coarser, have lower concentrations of heavy metals and less organic matter than old (existing) sediments. They also had fewer macroinvertebrate inhabitants initially after the earthquakes but most areas recovered to pre-earthquake abundance and diversity within two years. Field experiments showed that there were higher amounts of primary production and lower amounts of nutrient efflux from new sediments at the eutrophic sites after the earthquakes. Primary production was highest in new sediments due to the increased photosynthetic efficiency of BMA resulting from the increased permeability of new sediments allowing increased light penetration, enhanced vertical migration of BMA and the enhanced transport of oxygen and nutrients. The reduced efflux of NH4-N in new sediments indicated that the capping of a large portion of eutrophic old sediments with new sediments had reduced the release of legacy nutrients (originating from the historical discharge) from the sediments to the overlying water. Laboratory experiments using an array of species and old and new sediments showed that invertebrates altered levels of primary production and nutrient flux but effects varied among species. The mud snail Amphibola crenata and mud crab Austrohelice crassa were found to reduce primary production and BMA biomass through the consumption of BMA (both species) and its burial from bioturbation and the construction of burrows (Austrohelice). In contrast, the cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi did not significantly affect primary production and BMA biomass. These results show that changes in the structure of invertebrate communities resulting from disturbances can also have consequences for the functioning of the system. The major conclusions of this study were that the wastewater diversion had a major effect on food web dynamics and that the large quantities of clean and unpolluted new sediments introduced to the estuary during the earthquakes altered the recovery trajectory of the estuary, accelerating it at least throughout the duration of this study. This was largely through the ‘capping’ effect of the new liquefied, coarser-grained sediments as they dissipated across the estuary and covered much of the old organic-rich eutrophic sediments. For all aspects of this study, the largest changes occurred at the most eutrophic sites; however, the surrounding habitats were important as they provided the context for recovery of the estuary, particularly because of the very strong influence of sediments, their biogeochemistry, microalgal and macroalgal dynamics. There have been few studies documenting system level responses to eutrophication amelioration and to the best on my knowledge there are no other published studies examining the impacts of large earthquakes on benthic communities in an estuarine ecosystem. This research gives valuable insight and advancements in the scientific understanding of the effects that eutrophication recovery and large-scale disturbances can have on the ecology of a soft-sediment ecosystem.
Text above reads 'Central Christchurch business owners protest' and the words 'Cordon Blur' (wordplay on famous cookery schools 'Cordon Bleu' and 'blur' as in 'unclear'). The cartoon shows a striped barrier bearing the words 'KEEP OUT' that is being torn to pieces. A second version continues the text to read 'Central Christchurch business owners protest as future directions unclear'. Context - Protests from angry Christchurch business owners locked out of the damaged CBD have intensified today, with police physically intervening when several protesters went inside the cordon. They are worried about the state of their businesses inside the red zone, and say they have not been allowed in to collect critical records and basic tools so they can carry on working outside the cordon. (NZ Herald 21 March 2011) Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
In the foreground PM John Key drives a bulldozer over Christchurch; in the background two engineers read a newspaper report that says 'P.M. gives false demolition number, PM gives false World Cup hope' and one of them says 'Now I know why those things are called BULLdozers..' Context - Prime Minister John Key is sticking to a government estimate that 10,000 Christchurch homes will need to be razed despite criticism that he should wait for official figures; he also stated that 100,000 homes may need repairs, despite Civil Defence saying it has only checked 70,000 homes so far. John Key was also insisting that there was a chance of keeping World Cup rugby games in Christchurch but an official announcement on 16 March dashed those hopes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'Ricky Ponting said his team would show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake and treat the Black Caps like brothers'. A kiwi Black Cap is startled as a cricket ball bounces off his head. Context - Captain Ricky Ponting said he and his team were saddened by the news of the devastation that hit New Zealand on Tuesday (Christchurch earthquake 22 February 2011) He said the Australian cricket team will show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake when they take the field against New Zealand in Nagpur today. In fact the Black Caps got a hammering from Australia and were 206 ALL OUT. Australia 207/3 - AUSTRALIA WIN. Captain Vettori however denied that the earthquake may have been responsible for the loss and said the Black Caps were professionals. (26 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a graph illustrating the 'Growth forecast' for the economy. A large finger representing the 'Reserve Bank' squashes the growth arrow as though it is a fly and it starts to zig-zag crazily downwards. The statement made 16th September looked a shadow of the bright one the Reserve Bank published three months ago. With its forecasts finalised the day before the Canterbury earthquake struck, the Bank has taken secateurs to its economic growth track, and a carving knife to its interest rate path. Instead of GDP growth pushing 4% this year and next, for example, it now struggles to reach 3% in each. It's tempting to think this has been driven by the wobbling international news over recent months. In fact it's been because of a suddenly sombre view around NZ consumer spending and the housing market. ( Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
New PM of Australia Julia Gillard stands on top of a house of cards that looks extremely unstable. She says 'As newly elected PM of Australia I promise all cards on the table'. Below are the words 'NZ not the only shaky country..' Refers to the recent closely-contested and 'most-extraordinary Australian election in decades' which has been won by Labour's Julia Gillard. The negotiating for a new government by Julia Gillard against her Liberal rival Tony Abbott took 17 days, with Julia Gillard, in the end, able to cobble together a government with the support of independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott as well as the Greens plus a long list of promises. Critics see her coalition as dysfunctional. The text below refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010. Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
In six small cameos Prime Minister John Key ponders over things economic and ends up dancing; he says 'I'm bereft of ideas for the economy gambling the lives of our troops in the Afghanistan mess I'm presiding over the biggest budget deficit in our history borrowing $300m a week to cushion our slide into oblivion Using lots of World Cup piffle to distract from the real issues Yet I'm still rating miles higher than Goff so how hopeless is he??? A little man in the last frame comments 'Spoiled for choice eh?' Context - New Zealand's rather dire economic situation made so much worse by the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011, the consistently high poll rating of John Key and the series of disasters suffered by the Labour Party in the run up to the 2011 election in November. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The Queen tells Prince Philip that she has received a 'Dear John' letter from PM John Key and that it 'seems the earth has moved for him back in NZ'. Text above reads 'Keynote'. In a second version the queen says that John Key 'preferred to stay at home 'cos the earth moved'. A third version refers to the decision of the PM to remain in New Zealand because of the Christchurch earthquake instead of going on a trip to Europe with his wife during which they were to have stayed at the invitation of the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Quantity: 3 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows Prime Minister John Key as a surgeon in a blood-spattered white coat; he has just created a Frankenstein monster which has resulted in the Minister for Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee and Mayor of Christchurch Bob Parker joined together in a single body named 'CERA". Gerry Brownlee clutches a huge spiked mallet and Bob Parker a paintbrush. Context - a new bill is being rushed through parliament to establish the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera); it empowers it to lead reconstruction efforts in Christchurch. It gives Cera specific powers to get information from any source, to requisition and build on land and to carry out demolitions. It can also take over local authorities if they are not working effectively on recovery work. The monster suggests distinctly differing philosophies on how the work of rebuilding Christchurch should proceed. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
It is the middle of the night and a man wearing his dressing-gown runs out of his house towards a portaloo clutching a toilet roll and saying 'Try me'. The neighbourhood is wrecked by earthquakes. On the ground is a newspaper with a headline that reads 'New Delhi athletes substandard accomodation facilities'. A second newspaper reads 'Given the choice many prefer to stay home'. Context: The first Christchurch earthquake shook the city on early morning of the 4th September 2010. The destruction of sewage infrastructure has meant portaloos and long-drops have become de rigeur as a consequence. There was a desperate rush to get the village ready for the influx of athletes before the opening of the Commonwealth Games on 3rd October 2010 and there was a fear that unsatisfactory sanitation systems might cause health and safety problems. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The Earthquake Commission calls a householder and tells him the 'good news' that his house which was left by the earthquakes in 'such an angle you couldn't live in it' has been refloated by the recent heavy rain and is now level again. The 'bad news' is that the house was last seen floating in the sea off Sumner. In June 2013 heavy rains had caused flooding in Canterbury. Christchurch was affected especially in the liquefaction prone areas, where the ground had sunk because of the earthquakes. Colour and black and white versions available Other Titles - Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:"Established in a conservation estate...likely to harm our unique flora and fauna..." 31 May 2013 Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The title is 'Gerry BrownLie?' and the cartoon shows the Minister for Earthquake recovery, Gerry Brownlee, saying 'I promise not to promise again'. The words 'Red Zone' appear beneath with the word 'faced' inserted between them. Context: The 'Red Zone' is the earthquake area in which houses cannot be rebuilt. Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee has apologised for falsely promising red zone homeowners they would be paid out for improvements to their house. Brownlee promised in June that, in some cases, home improvements like new kitchens would be included in the government settlement offer for red zone houses. But the offer is only valid if the improvement has added to the footprint of the house. (Press - 4 September 2011) Alternate version of DCDL-0018757 Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A man dozes in front of the television news which reports in four cameos 'Israel defies UN!, Israel assassinates Palestinian leaders!, land seized and homes bulldozed, Israel smashes Palestinian infrastructure!, Gaza shelled!', Israel blocks aid convoys! Nine die!, Palestinians children traumatised'. In the last cameo the newsreader says 'Israeli spies in NZ - maybe!' and the man wakes up and fully alert yells 'WHAT!' Context: We only care when the news is close to home! The Southland Times reported on 20th July that an Israeli national killed in the February Christchurch Earthquake was a Mossad spy. PM John Key has confirmed that an investigation into the four Israelis involved was carried out by police and the SIS but he said no evidence was found of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence. It would seem that the group were backpackers, not Mossad agents. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Text reads 'New fault lines?' and the cartoon depicts a Star of David as cracks in the ground. A second version has the text 'Aftershocks' and the cartoon depicts a shaky Star of David and big movements on a seismograph. The third version depicts the same image as the first but has the text 'SISpicious cracks'. Context: The Southland Times reported on 20th July that an Israeli national killed in the February Christchurch Earthquake was a Mossad spy. PM John Key has confirmed that an investigation into the four Israelis involved was carried out by police and the SIS but he said no evidence was found of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence. It would seem that the group were backpackers, not Mossad agents. Three versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 3 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon shows the Minister for Earthquake Recovery, Gerry Brownlee, who wears a jacket with 'CERA' printed on it, reading from the 'Doomsday Book'. He reads 'The following suburbs and my hopes of a reputation as an effective minister, are now officially listed as munted...' Context - On 23rd June Prime Minister, John Key, officially announced which streets and suburbs in earthquake-ravaged Christchurch would be abandoned. For many residents, there has been too much delay and too little information regarding progress towards resolving questions about which land can or cannot be used for rebuilding for Gerry Brownlee's reputation to remain unsullied. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text at the top reads 'Bob's next speech?... The cartoon shows Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker making a speech - 'We shall fight on the beaches... We shall fight in the liquefaction... We shall fight in the cracks... We shall fight on the falling rocks and in the sinkholes... We shall fight in the portaloos... We shall fight in the sewage pipes... We shall fight in the polluted waters and subsided streets... We shall fight in the heritage buildings including the Dux de Lux... We shall NEVER surrender! A man leans over a fence and yells 'Hey Bob... How about a rewrite..."We shall raise the white flag and shall get the hell out!"' Context - The continuing earthquakes and aftershocks are causing serious problems in Christchurch, both practical and emotional. Many people are considering leaving the city. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The cartoon depicts the Minister of Earthquakes Gerry Brownlee, with a portaloo in place of a head. He holds in his hand a document which reads 'Govt appointed quake panel (Shipley etc) paid twice normal fees: $1000 - 1400 daily'. A voice from inside the toilet says 'It's because they're high calibre people!' Context: Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee lobbied his colleagues to pay a Government-appointed panel more than twice the recommended rate because he claimed they would not do it for less - even though he never asked them. On Mr Brownlee's advice, the Cabinet more than doubled the pay rates for the panel from the recommended fees, which was a daily rate of $360 to $655 for the panel chairman and $270 to $415 for panel members. The Cabinet increased this to $1400 a day for the chairman and $1000 a day for the other members. (NZ Herald, 9 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Question: Does canopy tree regeneration response to different large disturbances vary with soil drainage? Location: Old-growth conifer (Dacrydium and Dacrycarpus), angiosperm (Nothofagus and Weinmannia) rain forest, Mount Harata, South Island, New Zealand. Methods: Trees were aged (1056 cores) to reconstruct stand history in 20 (0.12 - 0.2 ha) plots with different underlying drainage. Spatial analyses of an additional 805 tree ages collected from two (0.3 - 0.7 ha) plots were conducted to detect patchiness for five canopy tree species. Microsite preferences for trees and saplings were determined. Results: There were clear differences in species regeneration patterns on soils with different drainage. Conifer recruitment occurred infrequently in even-aged patches (> 1000 m²) and only on poorly drained soils. Periodic Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii recruitment occurred more frequently in different sized canopy openings on all soils. Weinmannia recruitment was more continuous on all soils reflecting their greater relative shade-tolerance. Distinct periods of recruitment that occurred in the last 400 years matched known large disturbances in the region. These events affected species differently as soil drainage varied. Following earthquakes, both conifers and N. menziesii regenerated on poorly drained soils, while Nothofagus species and Weinmannia regenerated on well-drained soils. However, Dacrydium failed to regenerate after patchy storm damage in the wetter forest interior; instead faster-growing N. fusca captured elevated microsites caused by uprooting. Conclusions: Underlying drainage influenced species composition, while variation in the impacts of large disturbance regulated relative species abundances on different soils.
Background: Earthquakes are found to have lingering post-disaster effects on children that can be present for months or years after the disaster, including hyperarousal symptoms. Young children have the most difficulties in regulating their emotions, especially when they are highly aroused. Colouring-in mandala designs have been found to reduce hyperarousal symptoms of stress in young adults. The purpose of this study was to determine if the same effects of colouring-in mandalas would be seen with children showing signs of hyperarousal. Research Question: To identify what effect colouring-in mandala designs would have on the heart rate in a young child showing signs of hyperarousal. Method: Following approved procedures for informed consent, two 6-year-old girls from a Christchurch primary school were chosen for the study. Heart rate was measured using a Fitbit in a single subject design. The baseline, colouring-in and a second baseline phase were conducted during mathematics. The participants and their teacher reported on arousal, enjoyment, and positive and problem behaviours. The study took 26 school days to complete. Results: Compared with baseline, the average heart rate data showed no decrease in heart rate (i.e., calming effect) during the mandala colouring-in task phase. Conclusions: The participants enjoyed colouring-in the mandalas, but the average heart rate data did not show that colouring-in pre-drawn designs reduced heart rate, a measure of arousal. Major study limitations included; not having suitable participants or a suitable setting for the colouring-in task, and not being able to observe both participants.
Text reads 'Bad news for Christchurch playing fields'. On the left is a man wearing the Canterbury colours and carrying a flag; he looks most upset about the 'AMI Stadium' being red stickered. On the right is a woman of the night in fishnet stockings and a very short skirt who looks very upset as she hears that 'Manchester Street' has been red stickered. The little Evans man in the corner says 'Red light, red carded, from the red zone'. Context - The AMI Stadium was supposed to be the venue for the Rugby World Cup in Christchurch - a decision made on 16 March was made that Christchurch was not in a position to host the RWC. With Manchester St on the city side of Bealey Ave cordoned off, street workers have been working from the residential area between Bealey and Purchas St. and residents are furious. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).