Disasters can create the equivalent of 20 years of waste in only a few days. Disaster waste can have direct impacts on public health and safety, and on the environment. The management of such waste has a great direct cost to society in terms of labor, equipment, processing, transport and disposal. Disaster waste management also has indirect costs, in the sense that slow management can slow down a recovery, greatly affecting the ability of commerce and industry to re-start. In addition, a disaster can lead to the disruption of normal solid waste management systems, or result in inappropriate management that leads to expensive environmental remediation. Finally, there are social impacts implicit in disaster waste management decisions because of psychological impact we expect when waste is not cleared quickly or is cleared too quickly. The paper gives an overview of the challenge of disaster waste management, examining issues of waste quantity and composition; waste treatment; environmental, economic, and social impacts; health and safety matters; and planning. Christchurch, New Zealand, and the broader region of Canterbury were impacted during this research by a series of shallow earthquakes. This has led to the largest natural disaster emergency in New Zealand’s history, and the management of approximately 8 million tons of building and infrastructure debris has become a major issue. The paper provides an overview of the status of disaster waste management in Christchurch as a case study. A key conclusion is the vital role of planning in effective disaster waste management. In spite of the frequency of disasters, in most countries the ratio of time spent on planning for disaster waste management to the time spent on normal waste management is extremely low. Disaster waste management also requires improved education or training of those involved in response efforts. All solid waste professionals have a role to play to respond to the challenges of disaster waste management.
An earthquake-damaged road in north-east Christchurch. The manhole in the centre of the road has risen and a road cone has been placed in the centre to warn road users. Residents have piled liquefaction from their properties on the side of the road where it will be collection by road maintenance contractors.
Liquefaction piled on the sides of a road in north-east Christchurch. The liquefaction has been dug out of the properties and piled on the side of the road to be collected by road maintenance contractors.
A collapsed section of road in north-east Christchurch. In the background, residents have piled liquefaction from their properties on the side of the road where it will be collected by road maintenance contractors.
Residents working to clear liquefaction from their properties in north-east Christchurch. The liquefaction has been piled on the side of the road where it will be collected by road maintenance contractors.
A collapsed section of road in north-east Christchurch. In the background, residents have piled liquefaction from their properties on the side of the road where it will be collected by road maintenance contractors.
Mounds of liquefaction on the side of a residential road in eastern Christchurch. The liquefaction has been dug out of resident's gardens and placed on the road to be picked up by the City Council.
Residents enjoying a meal after working to clear liquefaction from a property in north-east Christchurch.
A resident resting on a digger after clearing liquefaction from his property in the north-east of Christchurch.
Residents using shovels to clear liquefaction from a property in north-east Christchurch.
A resident using a small digger to clear liquefaction from his property in north-east Christchurch. He is piling the liquefaction on the side of the road where it will be collected.
Workers using a shovel and a wheelbarrow to clear liquefaction from a property. The liquefaction is being piled out the front where it will be collected.
A messy demolition site filled with various building waste. At the back is a Waste Management bin filled with rubbish.
Piles of liquefaction on the side of the road in Avonside. The liquefaction has been dug out of people's properties and placed on the road to be picked up by the council. The power boxes and the power pole to the left are on a lean due to liquefaction.
A digger depositing liquefaction into a truck on Fleete Street in Dallington. When the truck is full, it will take the liquefaction to a dump at Bottle Lake.
Large cracks in a road in Avonside. Road cones have been placed near the cracks to warn road users. In the distance, piles of liquefaction are on the sides of the road. These have been dug out of residents' properties and placed there for there for the City Council to pick up.
A group of residents clearing liquefaction from a property in north-east Christchurch. They can be seen using shovels and wheelbarrows to shift the liquefaction.
A Christchurch resident loading shovels and a wheelbarrow into the boot of her car after using them to clear liquefaction.
A pile of bricks, insulation, and pieces of chimney flue awaiting collection beside Burwood Road in Burwood.
Workers using a digger and a front end loader to clear liquefaction from a road in Shirley. A deep puddle of water is visible at the bottom of the photograph.
The timeliness and quality of recovery activities are impacted by the organisation and human resourcing of the physical works. This research addresses the suitability of different resourcing strategies on post-disaster demolition and debris management programmes. This qualitative analysis primarily draws on five international case studies including 2010 Canterbury earthquake, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, 2009 Samoan Tsunami, 2009 Victorian Bushfires and 2005 Hurricane Katrina. The implementation strategies are divided into two categories: collectively and individually facilitated works. The impacts of the implementation strategies chosen are assessed for all disaster waste management activities including demolition, waste collection, transportation, treatment and waste disposal. The impacts assessed include: timeliness, completeness of projects; and environmental, economic and social impacts. Generally, the case studies demonstrate that detritus waste removal and debris from major repair work is managed at an individual property level. Debris collection, demolition and disposal are generally and most effectively carried out as a collective activity. However, implementation strategies are affected by contextual factors (such as funding and legal constraints) and the nature of the disaster waste (degree of hazardous waste, geographical spread of waste etc.) and need to be designed accordingly. Community involvement in recovery activities such as demolition and debris removal is shown to contribute positively to psychosocial recovery.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Temporary waste hoses in Kingsford Street, Horseshoe Lake".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Water supply at reservoir, Mount Pleasant".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Water supply at reservoir, Mount Pleasant".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Water supply at reservoir, Mount Pleasant".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Water supply at reservoir, Mount Pleasant".
A photograph of two water tanks on New Brighton Road. One is labelled, "waste", and the other, "fresh".
A waste truck and mobile recycling unit parked on a street. The area has been cordoned off with cones.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A tank for collecting waste from chemical toilets in Alice Street, Horseshoe Lake".
Several people run, leap, cycle and walk the dog through an area piled high with waste material. Context: Bottle Lake Forest Park has tracks and trails which include mountain-bike tracks, horse-trekking trails and walking tracks. After being established as a temporary dump after the February 22 earthquake the government intend to use special powers to turn part of Bottle Lake Forest Park into a permanent dump. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).