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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Depicts National MP Aaron Gilmore walking off carrying two suitcases. A row of Christchurch insurance men are calling for him to return and saying they have the right job for his talents. Refers to Gilmore's resignation after National Party censure following to his drunken bullying behaviour to a waiter in a Hanmer Springs restaurant (3 News 13 May 2013) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Orana Wildlife Park 'lodge' sleeps passengers from Christchurch airport with no accommodation and who would otherwise sleep at the terminal. The Park staff think that 'they get free accommodation and we have a new paying exhibit!' They have also put up a notice: 'Cheapskates - Do not feed'. Is this a solution to airport 'night kippers'? The shortage of accommodation in Christchurch due to earthquake damage led many air travellers to sleep overnight at the air terminal. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This paper presents a critical evaluation of vertical ground motions observed in the Canterbury earthquake sequence. The abundance of strong near-source ground-motion recordings provides an opportunity to comprehensively review the estimation of vertical ground motions via the New Zealand Standard for earthquake loading, NZS1170.5:2004, and empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). An in-depth review of current GMPEs is carried out to determine the existing trends and characteristics present in the empirical models. Results illustrate that vertical ground motion amplitudes estimated based on NZS1170.5:2004 are significantly unconservative at short periods and near-source distances. While conventional GMPEs provide an improved prediction, in many instances they too underpredict vertical ground motion accelerations at short periods and near-source distances.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Disasters are rare events with major consequences; yet comparatively little is known about managing employee needs in disaster situations. Based on case studies of four organisations following the devastating earthquakes of 2010 - 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand, this paper presents a framework using redefined notions of employee needs and expectations, and charting the ways in which these influence organisational recovery and performance. Analysis of in-depth interview data from 47 respondents in four organisations highlighted the evolving nature of employee needs and the crucial role of middle management leadership in mitigating the effects of disasters. The findings have counterintuitive implications for human resource functions in a disaster, suggesting that organisational justice forms a central framework for managing organisational responses to support and engage employees for promoting business recovery.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Cultural heritage is a dynamic concept, incorporating the ideas and values of many different organisations and individuals; it is heavily dependent on the context of the item or site being conserved, and transforms something from an old article into a historically significant object. A formal definition of cultural heritage did not appear in the Antarctic Treaty System until 1995, however Antarctic heritage value has been applied to various sites and monuments since the inception of the Treaty, from Shackleton’s Nimrod Hut to a heavy tractor. This report examines a number of case studies to determine the various ways in which heritage items and sites can be managed – such as the removal of the South Pole Dome – as well as their conservation after natural disasters, for instance the Christchurch earthquakes.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A bus tours a city street with destroyed schools either side. The guide points out destruction on the right from earthquakes and on the left from Hekia Parata. Wider context is the ongoing impact of the Christchurch February 2011 earthquake. The implication is that the earthquake caused physical damage to some schools and that the Minister for Education is responsible for destroying others with her announcement of school closures in Christchurch on 18 February 2013. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows a sick and damaged Christchurch Anglican Cathedral in a hospital bed with two attendants. The Cathedral asks 'Can ya just pull the plug and let me die peacefully?'. Context refers to recent comments by Bishop Victoria Matthews that the Christchurch Cathedral is 'being left to die with no dignity' because of ongoing legal battles about its future. There has been ongoing debate and controversy over whether the Cathedral should be demolished, reconstructed or restored following damage suffered in the February 2011 Earthquake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Commentary from the cartoonist 'The Earthquake Commission's leak of 83,000 files is like a storyline from Alfred Hitchcock: : a loon attempts to shock a nation that has already been rendered braindead from previous shocks.Note: EQC is ued here as an 'echo' of the term ECT [electro convulsive shock treatment].' In March 2013, there was a massive leak of of some 83,000 EQC files relating to individual claims relating to the Christchurch earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A signpost pointing 'West' and 'East'. The sign pointing West is intact; that indicating East is broken and barely hanging on to the post. Refers to the condition of Christchurch City after the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011; the western wealthier suburbs were less damaged than the poorer Eastern suburbs. Also, progress on repair and rehabilitation of eastern housing had been slow. The redesign of the city centre seemed to be a western suburb priority which ignored the poverty and misery of living conditions on the east. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Roger Sutton, former chief executive of the the power lines company, Orion and since June 2011 Chief Executive Officer of the Canterbury Earhquake Recovery Authority, is shown in a straitjacket, raving. An unseen interviewer asks him how it feels after 'two years in the job'. Roger Sutton's work in leading the Earthquake Authority after the February earthquake was extremely stressful, considering the magnitude of the task. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

A large number of businesses that used to be in the centre of Christchurch relocated after the earthquakes. Are they satisfied with their new locations and do they intend to return to the central city? We questioned 209 relocated businesses about their relocation history, present circumstances and future intentions. Many businesses were content with their new premises, despite having encountered a range of problems; those businesses that were questioned later in our survey period were more content. The average business in our sample rated the chances of moving back to the central city as around 50 %, but this varies with the type of business. Building height did not emerge as a major issue, but rents may be. The mix of types of business is likely to be different in the new city centre.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Depicts Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker striking a pose under a spotlight while standing astride broken masonry. He is being interviewed by media. On the right of frame, Progressive Party leader and MP Jim Anderton is under dark clouds and caught under the Beehive. Refers to the 2010 Christchurch mayoral elections in which Parker won over Anderton. Prior to the 2010 Canterbury earthquake, Anderton was ahead in the polls. The quake devastation was said to have given Parker a bigger profile than Anderton and been a factor in his win (TV3 9 October 2010). Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Disasters are rare events with major consequences; yet comparatively little is known about managing employee needs in disaster situations. Based on case studies of four organisations following the devastating earthquakes of 2010 - 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand, this paper presents a framework using redefined notions of employee needs and expectations, and charting the ways in which these influence organisational recovery and performance. Analysis of in-depth interview data from 47 respondents in four organisations highlighted the evolving nature of employee needs and the crucial role of middle management leadership in mitigating the effects of disasters. The findings have counterintuitive implications for human resource functions in a disaster, suggesting that organisational justice forms a central framework for managing organisational responses to support and engage employees for promoting business recovery.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

Following the 2010/2011 Canterbury, New Zealand earthquakes, a detailed door-to-door survey was conducted in the Christchurch region to establish the earthquake performance of lightweight timber-framed residential dwellings with a masonry veneer external cladding system. The post-earthquake survey involved documenting the condition of dwellings in areas that had experienced different levels of earthquake shaking, allowing comparison between the performance of different veneer systems and different shaking intensities. In total, just fewer than 1,100 residential dwellings were inspected throughout the wider Christchurch area. The survey included parameters such as level of veneer damage, type of veneer damage, observed crack widths, and level of repair required. It is concluded that based on observed earthquake performance at the shaking intensities matching or exceeding ultimate limit state loading, the post-1996 veneer fixing details performed satisfactorily and continued use of the detail is recommended without further modification. AM - Accepted Manuscript

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows John Key phoning Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee during his recent visit to China. Key tells Gerry he has found an architect friend in China who can design the new Christchurch Cathedral. Wider context refers to the debate over the 3 plans recently released for the Cathedral, but also refers to media debate concerning Key's involvement in instances of preferential appointments - in particular, his claim to have forgotten a phone call to his friend Ian Fletcher in which Key suggested Fletcher should apply to become director of the Government Communications Security Bureau. See Stuff, 3 April 2013. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Two projects are documented within this MEM Report: I. The first project examined what was learnt involving the critical infrastructure in the aftermath of natural disasters in the Canterbury region of New Zealand – the most prominent being the series of earthquakes between 2010 and 2011. The project identified several learning gaps, leading to recommendations for further investigations that could add significant value for the lifeline infrastructure community. II. Following the Lifeline Lesson Learnt Project, the Disaster Mitigation Guideline series was initiated with two booklets, one on Emergency Potable Water and a second on Emergency Sanitation. The key message from both projects is that we can and must learn from disasters. The projects described are part of the emergency management, and critical infrastructure learning cycles – presenting knowledge captured by others in a digestible format, enabling the lessons to be reapplied. Without these kinds of projects, there will be fewer opportunities to learn from other’s successes and failures when it comes to preparing for natural disasters.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Novel Gel-push sampling was employed to obtain high quality samples of Christchurch sands from the Central Business District, at sites where liquefaction was observed in 22 February 2011, and 13 June 2011 earthquakes. The results of cyclic triaxial testing on selected undisturbed specimens of typical Christchurch sands are presented and compared to empirical procedures used by practitioners. This comparison suggests cyclic triaxial data may be conservative, and the Magnitude Scaling Factor used in empirical procedures may be unconservative for highly compressible soils during near source moderate to low magnitude events. Comparison to empirical triggering curves suggests the empirical method generally estimates the cyclic strength of Christchurch sands within a reasonable degree of accuracy as a screening evaluation tool for liquefaction hazard, however for sands with moderate to high fines content it may be significantly unconservative, highlighting the need for high quality sampling and testing on important projects where seismic performance is critical.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This thesis describes research into developing a client/server ar- chitecture for a mobile Augmented Reality (AR) application. Following the earthquakes that have rocked Christchurch the city is now changed forever. CityViewAR is an existing mobile AR application designed to show how the city used to look before the earthquakes. In CityViewAR 3D virtual building models are overlaid onto video captured by a smartphone camera. However the current version of CityViewAR only allows users to browse information stored on the mobile device. In this research the author extends the CityViewAR application to a client-server model so that anyone can upload models and annotations to a server and have this information viewable on any smartphone running the application. In this thesis we describe related work on AR browser architectures, the system we developed, a user evaluation of the prototype system and directions for future work.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This paper presents insights from recent advanced laboratory testing of undisturbed and reconstituted specimens of Christchurch silty-sands. The purpose of the testing was to establish the cyclic strength of silty-sands from sites in the Central Business District (CBD), where liquefaction was observed in 4 September 2010, 22 February 2011, and 13 June 2011. Similar overall strengths were obtained from undisturbed and reconstituted tests prepared at similar densities, albeit with higher variability for the reconstituted specimens. Reconstituted specimens exhibited distinctly different response in terms of lower compressibility during initial loading cycles, and exhibited a more brittle response when large strains were mobilised, particularly for samples with high fines content. Given the lower variability in natural sample response and the possibility of age-related strength to be significant for sites not subjected to earthquakes, high quality undisturbed samples are recommended over the use of reconstituted specimens to establish the cyclic strength of natural sands.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Canterbury earthquakes have generated economic demand and supply volatility, highlighting geographical and structural interdependencies. Post-earthquake reconstruction and new developments have seen skills training, relocation, recruitment and importation of skills becoming crucial for construction companies to meet demand and compete effectively. This report presents 15 case studies from a range of organisations involved in the Canterbury rebuild, exploring the business dynamics and outcomes of their resourcing initiatives. A key finding of this research is that, for many construction organisations, resourcing initiatives have become part of their organisational longer-term development strategies, rather than simply a response to ‘supply and demand’ pressures. Organisations are not relying on any single resourcing solution to drive their growth but use a combination of initiatives to create lasting business benefits, such as cost savings, improved brand and reputation, a stable and productive workforce, enhanced efficiency and staff morale, as well as improved skill levels.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The paper proposes a simple method for quick post-earthquake assessment of damage and condition of a stock of bridges in a transportation network using seismic data recorded by a strong motion array. The first part of the paper is concerned with using existing free field strong motion recorders to predict peak ground acceleration (PGA) at an arbitrary bridge site. Two methods are developed using artificial neural networks (a single network and a committee of neural networks) considering influential parameters, such as seismic magnitude, hypocentral depth and epicentral distance. The efficiency of the proposed method is explored using actual strong motion records from the devastating 2010 Darfield and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes in New Zealand. In the second part, two simple ideas are outlined how to infer the likely damage to a bridge using either the predicted PGA and seismic design spectrum, or a broader set of seismic metrics, structural parameters and damage indices.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The New Zealand public contemplate a dead drought stricken landscape. As well as lack of water, there is a lack of moderate pay scales for CEOs, satisfaction with EQC, quality TV, generous insurance companies, brilliant Solid Energy management, the integrity of John Banks (and by implication that of other MPs), quality education ministers, worthwhile overseas trips by the Prime Minister, 'clever' NZ First MPs and a boost for the West Coast among others. Considered from a Canterbury perspective, the drought of early 2013 becomes a symbol for many of the recent political and social ailments afflicting the land. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

An exceedingly large 'Gerry' Brownlee, the Minister for Earthquake Recovery, rises from a chair, holding a briefcase labeled 'CERA' and calling for 'Bob' Parker, the mayor of Christchurch. The thin Parker was flattened against Brownlee's enormous rear, when Brownlee sat on the chair. Brownlee and Parker had a strained relationship, with the government taking an increasing amount of control in local decision making. After ongoing assurances by Parker that Christchurch City Council would meet all of International Accreditation New Zealand's requirements on issuing building consents, Brownlee announced in June 2013 without Parker's prior knowledge that the authority had withdrawn its accreditation. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This paper provides a summary of the ground motions observed in the recent Canterbury, New Zealand earthquake sequence. The sequence occurred in a region of relatively moderate seismicity, 130km to the east of the Alpine Fault, the major plate-boundary in the region. From an engineering perspective, the sequence has been primarily comprised of the initial 04/09/2010 Darfield earthquake (Mw7.1) followed by the 22/02/2011 Christchurch earthquake (Mw6.3), and two aftershocks on 13/06/ 2011 (Mw5.3 and 6.0, respectively). The dense spacing of strong motions in the region, and their close proximity to the respective causative faults, has resulted in strong ground motions far exceeding the previous catalogue of strong motion observed in New Zealand. The observed ground motions have exhibited clear evidence of: (i) near-source directivity; (ii) sedimentary basin focusing, amplification and basin effect refraction; (iii) non-linear site response; (iv) cyclic mobility postliquefaction; and (v) extreme vertical ground motions exceeding 2g, among others.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

New Zealand's devastating Canterbury earthquakes provided an opportunity to examine the efficacy of existing regulations and policies relevant to seismic strengthening of vulnerable buildings. The mixed-methods approach adopted, comprising both qualitative and quantitative approaches, revealed that some of the provisions in these regulations pose as constraints to appropriate strengthening of earthquake-prone buildings. Those provisions include the current seismic design philosophy, lack of mandatory disclosure of seismic risks and ineffective timeframes for strengthening vulnerable buildings. Recommendations arising from these research findings and implications for pre-disaster mitigation for future earthquake and Canterbury's post-disaster reconstruction suggest: (1) a reappraisal of the requirements for earthquake engineering design and construction, (2) a review and realignment of all regulatory frameworks relevant to earthquake risk mitigation, and (3) the need to develop a national programme necessary to achieve consistent mitigation efforts across the country. These recommendations are important in order to present a robust framework where New Zealand communities such as Christchurch can gradually recover after a major earthquake disaster, while planning for pre-disaster mitigation against future earthquakes. AM - Accepted Manuscript

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The city of Christchurch has experienced over 10,000 aftershocks since the 4th of September 2010 earthquake of which approximately 50 have been greater than magnitude 5. The damage caused to URM buildings in Christchurch over this sequence of earthquakes has been well documented. Due to the similarity in age and construction of URM buildings in Adelaide, South Australia and Christchurch (they are sister cities, of similar age and heritage), an investigation was conducted to learn lessons for Adelaide based on the Christchurch experience. To this end, the number of URM buildings in the central business districts of both cities, the extent of seismic strengthening that exists in both cities, and the relative earthquake hazards for both cities were considered. This paper will report on these findings and recommend strategies that the city of Adelaide could consider to significantly reduce the seismic risk posed by URM buildings in future earthquake.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The Canterbury earthquake series of 2010/2011 has turned the city of Christchurch into a full scale natural laboratory testing the structural and non-structural response of buildings under moderate to very severe earthquake shaking. The lessons learned from this, which have come at great cost socially and economically, are extremely valuable in increasing our understanding of whole building performance in severe earthquakes. Given current initiatives underway on both sides of the Tasman towards developing joint Australasian steel and composite steel/concrete design and construction standards that would span a very wide range of geological conditions and seismic zones, these lessons are relevant to both countries. This paper focusses on the performance of steel framed buildings in Christchurch city, with greatest emphasis on multi-storey buildings, but also covering single storey steel framed buildings and light steel framed housing. It addresses such issues as the magnitude and structural impact of the earthquake series, importance of good detailing, lack of observed column base hinging, the excellent performance of composite floors and it will briefly cover research underway to quantify some of these effects for use in design.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The Earthquake Commission calls a householder and tells him the 'good news' that his house which was left by the earthquakes in 'such an angle you couldn't live in it' has been refloated by the recent heavy rain and is now level again. The 'bad news' is that the house was last seen floating in the sea off Sumner. In June 2013 heavy rains had caused flooding in Canterbury. Christchurch was affected especially in the liquefaction prone areas, where the ground had sunk because of the earthquakes. Colour and black and white versions available Other Titles - Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:"Established in a conservation estate...likely to harm our unique flora and fauna..." 31 May 2013 Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This research examines a surprising partner in emergency management - a local community time bank. Specifically, we explain the role of the Lyttelton Time Bank in promoting community resiliency following the Canterbury earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. A time bank is a grassroots exchange system in which members trade services non-reciprocally. This exchange model assumes that everyone has tradable skills and all labour is equal in value. One hour of any labour earns a member one time bank hour, which can be used to purchase another member’s services. Before the earthquakes struck, the Lyttelton Time Bank (TB) had organised over 10% of the town’s residents and 18 local organisations. It was documenting, developing, and mobilising skills to solve individual and collective problems. This report examines the Lyttelton Time Bank and its’ role before, during, and after the earthquakes based on the analysis of over three and a half years of fieldwork, observations, interviews, focus groups, trading activity, and secondary data.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Civil Defense understanding of the role of radio in disaster tends to focus on its value in providing essential information during and after the event. However this role is compromised when a station’s premises are destroyed, or rendered inaccessible by official cordons. The Radio Quake study examines how radio stations in Christchurch managed to resume broadcasting in the aftermath of the earthquake of February 22, 2011. In New Zealand’s heavily networked and commercialised radio environment there is a significant disparity between networked and independent stations’ broadcast commitments and resourcing. All Christchurch radio broadcasters were forced to improvise new locations, complex technical workarounds, and responsive styles of broadcasting after the February 22 earthquake, but the need to restore, or maintain, a full on air presence after the earthquake, rested entirely on often financially tenuous, locally owned and staffed independent radio: student, Iwi, community access, and local commercial stations. This paper will explore the resourcefulness and resilience of broadcasters riding out the aftershocks in hotels, motels, bedrooms, and a horse truck, using digital technologies in new ways to reimagine the practice of radio in Christchurch.