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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Several volunteers work amongst the ruins of a building. A woman nearby weeps and the man comforting her comments 'and to think we believed sports stars were our national heroes'. Context - on 22 February 2011 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck in Christchurch which has probably killed more than 200 people (at this point the number is still not known) and caused very severe damage. There has been enormous praise for the efforts of many ordinary people who have shown courage in the catastrophe. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Earthquake survivors' and amongst the rubble of a collapsed building is a man representing 'courage' who is trapped by a concrete slab and a woman with severed legs who is reaching out to help him and who represents 'compassion'. Context - The very severe Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011 in which probably more than 200 people died and an enormous amount of structural damage has been done. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man sits at his desk with an enormous sheet of blank paper headed 'New Christchurch' before him; peering over his shoulder is a huge figure who appears to be a man from an earlier era of the history of Christchurch. Context - Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011 and the start of debate about how city should be rebuilt. The historic man suggests a strong pull to preserve historic Christchurch. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the top two frames a man discovers a pile of stinking bones and scratches his head in puzzlement; he is pleased when a second man rushes towards him with another bone which, in the lower frame, he proceeds to try to fit together with a bone from the original stack. The second man then realizes that the dinosaur from which he took the bone is starting to shudder and quake. Context - This is a metaphor about the rebuilding the city of Christchurch after the earthquake of 22 February 2011. Debates are beginning about the preserving or knocking down of historic buildings as well as the rebuilding or repairing of houses. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man reading a newspaper wails and sobs when he discovers that Christchurch will not be hosting any Rugby World Cup games. The newspaper is covered with real disaster news like the Japanese earthquake and potential nuclear disaster, economy problems , and 'aftershock anxiety'. Context - The Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 that have led to the decision that because of the amount of damage to the venue plus infrastructures and accommodation for visitors the Rugby World Cup will not be played in Christchurch. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Caricature of Mayor Bob Parker dissolving into quakes; below the image is the name 'Christchurch' in very quavery letters. A second version shows Bob Parker without the shakes and without the name 'Christchurch'. Context - Opinion seems to be that Mayor Bob Parker has shown excellent leadership during the earthquakes and aftershocks in Christchurch. The earthquakes were on 4 September and 22 February. Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text above reads 'Prince William comes to Christchurch...' A special royal portaloo has been arranged for the visit of Prince William to Christchurch; it is built to resemble a castle and has gold door fittings. On either side of the portaloo stands a sentry guard. The prince who is inside whispers 'I can't find the royal flush button' (wordplay on 'royal flush' and the 'flush' of a toilet) Context - Prince William visited the Civil Defence headquarters in Christchurch with Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker on the 17th March to see the damage caused by the earthquakes of the 4th September 2010 and the 22 February 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A woman says to a builder 'Christchurch people will really appreciate your help to rebuild - What you construct looks like it's already been hit by an earthquake'. They are standing in front of a very shoddily-built cottage and the garden is festooned with litter. Context - After the Christchurch earthquakes there is a huge emphasis on fast rebuilding with the potential for below standard results.. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Light-Relief - With no power after the 6.3 magnatude quake hit Christchurch (22 February 2011) the neighbour's freezer thawed out along with their Deep South Ice Cream - so Tiggles the Kunekune Piglet thinks the spoils of the power-cut are yummy!

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Some of the recent aftershocks located around Banks Peninsula since the 7.1 earthquake have resulted in renewed hot springs activity with the distinct sulphurous smells being the result of deep seated water reaching the surface. Known hot springs are located at Motukarara, Rapaki Bay, Heathcote Valley, and Purau. You can see here a small man-ma...

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The song 'Antartica' is the latest offering from nine-year-old Christchurch songwriter Bob Gaudin. It's not the first song he's had released - in fact it's the third. He wrote his first song - a one minute thirty second symphony - when he was seven about the Christchurch earthquake, which was played and recorded by the NZ Symphony Orchestra!

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Painted advertising which was revealed when the Grumpy Mole was demolished on the Corner of Cashel and Manchester Streets. The text says 'Printer, lithographer, bookbinder, manufacturer of paper bags, tea packets and cardboard boxes. NZ Agent for making Stevenson's patent leatherboard boxes. Paper merchants, wholesale stationer, account books, Crown printing office'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a tape artwork on the mural. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a crowd watching Struan Ashby from Tape Art NZ create the 'Dream Machine'. The 'Dream Machine' was a 9-day long creative project that used dream stories from the audience to turn a shipping container into a 40-foot mural. The photograph was taken at the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival in Hagley Park.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Erica Duthy and Struan Ashby from Tape Art NZ creating the 'Dream Machine'. The 'Dream Machine' was a 9-day long creative project that used dream stories from the audience to turn a shipping container into a 40-foot mural. The photograph was taken at the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival in Hagley Park.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A graffiti-style recruitment advertisement for the NZ Police, depicting police officer Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. The image has been further graffitied to hide the officer's uniform, and the original advertisement text ("You too can do something extraordinary. Become a cop.") altered to read "You too can do something ordinary. Become a human".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an unfolded AWA Trails map, showing the different trails. The photograph was taken at the launch of the AWA Trails. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 23 September 2015 at 9:09am. The Facebook image is captioned, "To download a free map visit today!".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a tape artwork on the mural. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Demolition of the relatively new seven-storey Waters Edge Apartments in Ferrymead continues. CERES Environmental NZ are doing the job for CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority). Some will be pleased to see this block go as there was lot of resentment to it being built on the site of the old Ferrymead Tavern, Selected for Explore, #347...

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the foreground PM John Key drives a bulldozer over Christchurch; in the background two engineers read a newspaper report that says 'P.M. gives false demolition number, PM gives false World Cup hope' and one of them says 'Now I know why those things are called BULLdozers..' Context - Prime Minister John Key is sticking to a government estimate that 10,000 Christchurch homes will need to be razed despite criticism that he should wait for official figures; he also stated that 100,000 homes may need repairs, despite Civil Defence saying it has only checked 70,000 homes so far. John Key was also insisting that there was a chance of keeping World Cup rugby games in Christchurch but an official announcement on 16 March dashed those hopes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).