Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Children playing in the leaves at the Botanical Gardens before The Big Hug".
People socialising at the Pallet Pavilion. To the left, a group of children are enjoying a teddy bears picnic.
A photograph of children looking at live insects at Nature Play Park. Nature Play Park was an event organised by Greening the Rubble and the Department of Conservation, for FESTA 2013.
A photograph of children with balloon swords sitting on the base of the John Robert Godley statue during Canterbury Tales. Canterbury Tales was a carnivalesque procession and the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
A photograph of a children's' event run by All Right? in partnership with SKIP (Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents). All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
A photograph of children playing on a statue plinth in Cathedral Square during the Cashel Mall to Cathedral Square walk.
A photograph of children playing on a statue plinth in Cathedral Square during the Cashel Mall to Cathedral Square walk.
The see-saw in the children's playground in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens. In the background, a felled tree can be seen.
A radio advertisement for the All Right? campaign that features children talking about what makes them happy. The advertisement promotes the message "Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things we do that bring the most joy," and the All Right? Facebook page.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Gimme Shelter, a cardboard-box city-building workshop for children aged 10 and older. The workshop was led by Wellington-based artist Simon Gray. Gimme Shelter was held at The Commons and was part of FESTA 2014.
A radio advertisement for the All Right? campaign that features children talking about what makes them happy. The advertisement promotes the message "Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things we do that bring the most joy," and the All Right? Facebook page.
A radio advertisement for the All Right? campaign that features children talking about what makes them happy. The advertisement promotes the message "Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things we do that bring the most joy," and the All Right? Facebook page.
A radio advertisement for the All Right? campaign that features children talking about what makes them happy. The advertisement promotes the message "Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things we do that bring the most joy," and the All Right? Facebook page.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool, facing towards the children's playground at Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards the children's playground at Waltham Park.
A photograph of children's paintings attached to a cordon fence. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Manchester and Tuam Streets, botanical preservation site".
A photograph of children's paintings attached to a cordon fence. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Manchester and Tuam Streets, botanical preservation site".
A photograph of children's paintings attached to a cordon fence. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Manchester and Tuam Streets, botanical preservation site".
A PDF copy of a media release by All Right? titled "Bug Invasion to Support Anxious Canterbury Children". The media release details the launch of the Worry Bug Project and the books Maia and the Worry Bug and Wishes and Worries. It includes quotes from Sarina Dickson (The Worry Bug Project), Dr Julie Burgess-Manning (Worry Bug), Sue Turner (All Right?), Dr Russell Wills (Children's Commission) and Tracey Chambers (The Canterbury Community Trust). The release was embargoed until 8 July 2015.
A PDF copy of a pack of 22 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of a pack of 23 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
A PDF copy of a pack of 21 Tiny Adventures cards. Created in partnership with SKIP, Tiny Adventures helped parents to spend quality time with their children by suggesting some simple activities. The cards were available in packs and free to download from www.allright.or.nz/adventures.
Children and adults line up for races at Gap Filler's Fun Fair. Coralie Winn, director of Gap Filler acts as a commentator to the race.
Cracking along the pavement at Halswell Primary School. The ground has risen and fallen in places leaving an uneven surface where the children usually play.
A photograph of a child and Batman posing together in one of Christchurch Hospital childrens' wards. Batman was there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:42pm with the caption, "Batman and Buddy".