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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view across Stanmore Road to several badly damaged buildings, including Marcel's Picnic, Chalet Hair Fashion and Stanmore Road Dairy. Masonry and structural components from the buildings have collapsed onto the footpath and the buildings have been cordoned off by a safety fence.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a house on Woodham Road. The house has come off its foundations as the bricks wall have crumbled, spilling onto the footpath in front. Road cones have been placed along the street to warn road users.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to Christchurch city following the 22 February earthquake 2011. A collapsed building on the corner of Ferry Road and Lancaster Street. The brick walls of the building have crumbled, bringing the roof down with them. The wall of the building opposite has been exposed, and there is now a doorway to nowhere.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to Medway Street in Richmond. The road surface is cracked and buckled, and covered in liquefaction silt. A temporary road sign restricting speed to 30 is visible, with road cones behind. The photographer comments, "Medway St, Woodchester Ave on right just beyond the 30 sign".