Photos taken in Lyttelton following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-03-05-After-The-Earthquake-P1110453 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury, NZ. Damage to road alongside Avon River, Christchurch.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury, NZ. Damage to roads alongside Avon river, Christchurch.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury, NZ. Damage to roads alongside Avon river, Christchurch City.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury NZ. Storm drains - Lower Styx Road, Brooklands.
Aftermath of September 4th Earthquake in Canterbury (area covers Christchurch City) NZ. Storm drains - Anfield Street, Brooklands.
A photograph of damage to Ferry Road.
A photograph of damage to Ferry Road.
Damage to the road along Avonside Drive.
Damage to shops on Bowhill Road.
Damage to shops on Bowhill Road.
Damage to residential roads in Bexley, Christchurch.
Damage to residential roads in Bexley, Christchurch.
Damage to residential roads in Bexley, Christchurch.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Sign: Earthquake damaged roads ahead".
A photograph of damaged road surface. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "River Road, Avonside".
A photograph of damage to Ferry Road.
A photograph of a damaged footpath captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".
A photograph of a damaged footpath captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".
A photograph of a damaged footpath captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".
A photograph of a damaged footpath captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".
20120131_8174_1D3-400 Eathquake damage Houses above Main Road, Sumner. #2153
A photograph of damage to the Ferrymead Bridge.
Damage to the footpath on Avonside Drive.
Damage to the footpath on Bracken Street in Avonside.
Damage to the footpath on Bracken Street in Avonside.
A photograph of a damaged road. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Pleasant Point Yacht Club".
A photograph of a damaged footpath captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".