A story submitted by Peter Seager to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Jennifer to the QuakeStories website.
A copy of the program for the screenings of Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces'. The films are a creative response to the earthquakes in Christchurch and were shown as part of the Christchurch Body Festival 2014.
A copy of the poster used to advertise screenings of Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces'. The films are a creative response to the earthquakes in Christchurch and were shown as part of the Christchurch Body Festival 2014.
Summary of oral history interview with Coralie Winn about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Transcript of Julie's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of participant number SU976's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Flora (Flo) McGregor's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Sue French's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Stephen Bourke's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A pdf transcript of participant number EG654's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Hugh Smith's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 21 June 2013
The "Lyttelton Review" newsletter for 21 November 2011, produced by the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre.
The "Lyttelton Harbour Review" newsletter for 13 May 2013, produced by the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre.
A news item titled, "Cool Store Relocation Causes Controversy", published on the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's website on Thursday, 13 October 2011.
The "Lyttelton Review" newsletter for 29 October 2012, produced by the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre.
The "Lyttelton Harbour Review" newsletter for 4 March 2013, produced by the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 19 November 2012 entitled, "Christchurch: Trying to make sense of living here....".
Page 3 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Wednesday 31 October 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 9 November 2012.
Page 3 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Friday 2 November 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 5 December 2012.
Page 5 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 1 April 2014.
Page 3 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Thursday 8 March 2012.
Page 1 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Thursday 1 November 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Friday 7 December 2012.
A PDF copy of The Star newspaper, published on Wednesday 14 November 2012.
Summary of oral history interview with Netta about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team sitting outside City Care on Antigua Street. The City Care building has been blocked off with wire fencing and police tape.