A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 25 October 2013
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 13 September 2013
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 21 November 2013
The "Lyttelton Review" newsletter for 27 August 2012, produced by the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 19 August 2011
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 10 August 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 27 July 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 3 August 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 18 November 2011
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 16 September 2011
A graphic giving responses by Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and Jo Nicholls-Parker to questions about their experiences at Cup and Show Week.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team sitting against a fence on Worcester Street near Latimer Square.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team team on the footpath of Worcester Street near Latimer Square.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
A video of a keynote presentation by Professor Jonathan Davidson during the fifth plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Resilience in People".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Resilience is the ability to bounce back or adapt successfully in the face of change, and is present to varying degrees in everybody. For at least 50 years resilience has been a topic of study in medical research, with a marked increase occurring in the past decade. In this presentation the essential features of resilience will be defined. Among the determining or mediating factors are neurobiological pathways, genetic characteristics, temperament, and environment events, all of which will be summarized. Adversity, assets, and adjustment need to be taken into account when assessing resilience. Different approaches to measuring the construct include self-rating scales which evaluate: traits and copying, responses to stress, symptom ratings after exposure to actual adversity, behavioural measures in response to a stress, e.g. Trier Test, and biological measures in response to stress. Examples will be provided. Resilience can be a determinant of health outcome, e.g. for coronary heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, diabetes, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive status and successful aging. Total score and individual item levels of resilience predict response to dug and psychotherapy in post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that resilience is modifiable. Different treatments and interventions can increase resilience in a matter of weeks, and with an effect size larger than the effect size found for the same treatments on symptoms of illness. There are many ways to enhance resilience, ranging from 'Outward Bound' to mindfulness-based meditation/stress reduction to wellbeing therapy and antidepressant drugs. Treatments that reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety recruit resiliency processes at the same time. Examples will be given.
A story submitted by Patti-Ann Oberst to the QuakeStories website.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 11 June 2012 entitled, "Sobering Sunday Stroll".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 2 July 2012 entitled, "Walking on Worcester".
A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Georgia to the QuakeStories website.
A pdf copy of a PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Australia New Zealand Geotechnical Engineering Conference.
Transcript of Rodney Chambers's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Jocelyn Morresey's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Susan Holmes's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Glenn McCarthy's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 30 August 2013