A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park in the Christchurch central city. In the background is the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The hotel has a noticeable slump on the left side.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking across Manchester Street. In the background is a block of earthquake-damaged buildings. Large sections of the buildings have collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the street below.
Following the February 2011 earthquake, the Canterbury Branch of the TEU surveyed members to determine the psychological and physical impact of the earthquakes on members, in particular on their working conditions and ability to participate in consultation processes. 90 members responded, and this report gives a summary of the percentage of responses received for each survey question.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hall of the Rimu Park Scout Camp. Stretchers and clothes lines have been set up in the hall for the team to use.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park in the Christchurch central city. In the background is the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The hotel has a noticeable slump on the left side.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team and the Red Cross, standing on the corner of Lichfield and High Streets. In the background large piles of rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings line the street.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team speaking to a police officer on the intersection of Manchester and St Asaph Streets. In the background is a police car.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hall of the Rimu Park Scout Camp. Stretchers and clothes lines have been set up in the hall for the team to use.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in the hall of the Rimu Park Scout Camp. Stretchers and clothes lines have been set up in the hall for the team to use.
Summary of oral history interview with Lois Herbert about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Transcript of John's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A video of the keynote-presentation by Dr Jeanne LeBlanc, Registered Psychologist, during the second plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. LeBlanc is a Registered Psychologist, specialising in Clinical Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation. She is the British Columbia Psychological Association (BCPA) Representative for the American Psychological Associate State, Territorial and Provincial Disaster Response Network, and has also been appointed as the Behavioural Health Liaison to the American Board of Disaster Medicine. The presentation is titled, "Machetes and Breadfruit: Medical disaster response challenges in unstable settings".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti resulted in a massive response to a setting which was already fraught with danger, causing a number of personal, logistical, and safety challenges to responding medical teams. This presentation will provide a first-person account of this experience from the perspective of a behavioural health professional, whose responsibility was both the overall emotional wellbeing of the medical responders, as well as those impacted by the quake. Unique 'lessons learned' by these response teams will be highlighted, and recommendations will be provided for responders considering deploying to future events in highly unstable areas.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 9 March 2011 entitled, "Another baking day".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 27 February 2011 entitled, "Airborne Invasion".
A news item titled, "Lyttelton Recovery Process Could Be Improved", published on the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's website on Thursday, 13 October 2011.
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 3 June 2012 entitled, "Grubb Cottage Gets the Warm Fuzzies".
Members of the Disaster Assistance Response Team outside the US headquarters in Latimer Square. Latimer Square was set up as a temporary headquarters for emergency management personnel after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A press release from the United States of America Embassy New Zealand about USAID/OFDA Press Officer, Rebecca Gustafson's experiences during the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch.
Members of the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) setting up a tent in Latimer Square after their early-morning arrival in Christchurch. Latimer Square was set up as a temporary headquarters for emergency management personnel after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street. Plastic fencing and road cones have been placed along both sides of the road as cordons. Behind the fences are piles of bricks and other rubble from the buildings above.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street. Plastic fencing and road cones have been placed along both sides of the road as cordons. Behind the fences are piles of bricks and other rubble from the buildings above.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street towards the intersection of Manchester Street. Buildings on either side of the team have been damaged by the earthquake. Plastic and wire fences line the street to the right.
A photograph looking north-west down High Street towards the intersection with Manchester Street. Rubble from several earthquake-damaged buildings lines both sides of the street. In the distance members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team and several excavators are working.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing on Hereford Street near the intersection of Manchester Street. In the background is the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The hotel has a noticeable slump on the left side.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street. Plastic fencing and road cones have been placed along both sides of the road as cordons. Behind the fences are piles of bricks and other rubble from the buildings above.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team and the Red Cross, standing on the corner of Lichfield and Manchester Street. In the background an excavator is parked on the road. Behind the excavator is a block of earthquake-damaged buildings.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Manchester Street. In the background is a group of earthquake-damaged shops. The outer walls of the top storeys of the shops have collapsed, the bricks spilling onto the street.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in Latimer Square. In the background, another emergency management team is sitting next to a tent. Other tents are dotted around the square. A cherry picker is also sitting in the background.
A photograph of the Copthorne Hotel on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Streets. Tape has been draped around the footpath in front of the building. A member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team is walking through the intersection below.
Transcript of Fiona Robertson's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.