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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows Prime Minister John Key as a surgeon in a blood-spattered white coat; he has just created a Frankenstein monster which has resulted in the Minister for Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee and Mayor of Christchurch Bob Parker joined together in a single body named 'CERA". Gerry Brownlee clutches a huge spiked mallet and Bob Parker a paintbrush. Context - a new bill is being rushed through parliament to establish the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera); it empowers it to lead reconstruction efforts in Christchurch. It gives Cera specific powers to get information from any source, to requisition and build on land and to carry out demolitions. It can also take over local authorities if they are not working effectively on recovery work. The monster suggests distinctly differing philosophies on how the work of rebuilding Christchurch should proceed. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text across the top of the cartoon reads 'always design in context' There is a globe, small in the context, with a little message reading 'you are here' pointing, perhaps, to New Zealand or even more specifically, Christchurch; the globe is being threatened from all sides by forces of nature represented by the hand of god reaching out of clouds. Context - the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 and the idea that buildings must be designed in the context of their environment - NZ being earthquake-prone. Perhaps also the idea of 'design in context' in a broader sense. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The arms of a woman who represents New Zealand reach out to a baby to whom she has just given birth. The baby represents '2011' and is a particularly hideous specimen. The doctor who holds the baby says 'He's cute now but wait 'til he gets older!' Outside the window is seen a cracked and damaged landscape and a storm rages; the headstone of a grave reads 'RIP 2010'. Context - Christchurch or maybe the South Island have had a bad year because of the Pike River Mine disaster and the earthquake of 4 September 2010. There is perhaps prescience in this cartoon because on 22 February 2011 a much worse earthquake hit Christchurch. Published in The Press Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Rebuilding projects'. The first of the two frames shows collapsed buildings in Christchurch after the earthquake and the second frame shows leader of the Labour Party Phil Goff sorely in need of 'credibility' as he makes the 'V' for victory sign with both hands. Context - the rebuilding of Christchurch after the earthquake of 22 March 2011 and Phil Goff's disastrous personal polling as 'preferred PM' and the concomitant problems for the Labour Party with elections in November of this year. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Dalai Lama visits Christchurch ostensibly to sympathise with quake-hit residents'. The cartoon shows the Dalai Lama bestowing blessings on a large crowd. In an insert he is seen sitting cross-legged on top of Mount Cook saying 'But off the record I came to look for a quiet spot to retire to!' Context - The Dalai Lama visited the quake-hit city for two days in early June. He also sent a letter of condolence to Prime Minister John Key after the February 22 earthquake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon consists of the words 'More quACHES' drawn with a stencil. Context - Two more earthquakes rocked Christchurch on 13th June, following those of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011. The first magnitude 5.5 quake struck at 1pm, 10 kilometres east of Christchurch at Taylor's Mistake beach, at a depth of 11 kilometres, and sent people scrambling for cover. It was followed at 2.20pm by a more powerful magnitude 6 quake, centred 10 kilometres southeast of the city and 9km underground. There is a wordplay on 'quakes' and 'aches'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man walks away from a scene of destruction after an earthquake; he is reading a newspaper whose headline is 'ACC takes earthquake hit' and because he is not looking where he is going he is about to step into the sea in which lurks a shark that represents 'levies'. A second version has the shark representing 'Nick Smith'. Context - The second Christchurch more devastating earthquake of 22 February 2011 that followed an original earthquake on 4 September 2010. Levy changes from April 1 will give businesses discounts or penalties on their workplace ACC levies based on a three-year claims history but ACC Minister Nick Smith said today that the quake would be declared an "adverse event" so Christchurch employers would not be unfairly hit with a levy increase, unless they contributed materially to an employee's injuries. (NBR 10 March 2011) Two versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows three 'Redzone Girls'. The first wears a green tshirt and wears a green 'no restriction' label, the second wears a yellow tshirt and has a yellow 'Limited access' label and the third wears a red tshirt and has a red label that reads 'munted'; she also has a red and white barrier around her. The second and third of the 'girls' are in an increasing state of decrepitude. Behind them is a crumbling brick wall. Context - Christchurch prostitutes aren't letting natural disaster prevent them from plying their trade on the streets despite the dangers of aftershocks in the city. NZPC's Christchurch regional co-ordinator, Anna Reed, said it was a concern sex workers were standing in the shadow of potentially unsafe buildings as the city was shaken by aftershocks, but said the shattered CBD had "left them with no outlet". Christchurch residents are up in arms about the number of prostitutes working in their local neighbourhoods because their usual work areas are out of bounds in the 'red zone'. (Stuff 25 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A ship named 'NZ Ship of State' lies high and dry on rocks; the great jagged holes in her represent 'the recession', 'Pike River', 'Chch 1' and 'Chch 2'. A man standing nearby asks 'How will we refloat her?' and a second man answers ' cutting Working for Families & interest-free student loans' Someone outside the frame says 'Where's the No. 8 wire?' Context - The New Zealand economy was stagnating before the impact of the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 and the Pike River Mine disaster before that. The government was already considering cutting Working for Families & interest-free student loans before the earthquakes struck and it seems that now they are trying to push through these policy changes using the earthquakes as an excuse. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Refers to the government's earthquake response legislation and the Rugby World Cup 2011 (Empowering) Bill. 26 experts in constitutional law from all six of the country's law faculties have penned a letter condemning the Government's earthquake response legislation. No sooner was their work in the public eye than the similarly flawed Rugby World Cup 2011 (Empowering) Bill was reported back from a select committee, with a recommendation that it pass. It also goes far beyond what is required to get things done. In bypassing the normal consent process, the bill says the authority does not have to hold hearings on applications and that its decisions can be challenged in the High Court only on points of law. Effectively, the legislation asks New Zealanders to accept that the Rugby World Cup Minister knows best. It is he who knows how the event must be run. Precisely the same attitude pervades the Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act. This hands individual Government ministers the power to change almost every law, thereby handing Parliament's normal law-making role to the Executive. Their decisions cannot be challenged in any court'. (NZ Herald editorial - 1 October 2010) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the top frame someone unseen (Murray McCully) in the Beehive says 'John! - There's been a bad reaction to us taking special powers to fix problems in Auckland!' Prime Minister John Key says 'What Murray?' In the lower frame Minister for the Rugby World Cup, Murray McCully, says 'The worst hit parts of Christchurch have declared themselves Fan Zones!' and the PM says 'Oh S..t!' The little Evans man says 'Sounds better than Red Zone!' Context: Refers to the chaos over transport and crowd control in the fanzone when much larger numbers of people flocked to the Rugby World Cup opening and revelry than expected. The government used special powers to take over the management of Queens Wharf fanzone spaces previously managed by an Auckland Council group, thus rather undermining the Mayor, Len Brown and the Auckland City Council. A new plan was signed off under special powers by Murray McCully directly after the fiasco. The Christchurch comment refers to the areas worst hit by the earhquakes. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A couple sits in a Travel Agency discussing places to go for a holiday. The travel agent says 'Worried about holidaying in New Zealand - well how about...' and she turns to the display of countries to visit on the wall behind her. Each of the countries is illustrated with a very negative image; e.g. 'Japan' with a nuclear symbol, 'Thailand' with a pile of human ashes, 'Sth Africa' with two arms raised in desperate supplication... Context - The couple do not want to visit New Zealand because of the Canterbury earthquakes and there seem to be an awful lot of natural disasters or wars or high expense etc. recently. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The title is 'Main faultline to be probed'. The cartoon shows an image of Maori Party MP Hone Harawira with two small firemen on his shoulder squirting water into one ear so that it explodes out of the other. One of the firemen says 'I tell ya now the next quake will be an eight point four!' Context - The problem of criticism of his own party by maverick Maori Party MP Hone Harawira. Harawira says that many Maori believe the party has not been able to be an independent voice because of its government partnership and so Mr Harawira is calling for his party to consider its options at the next election. Mr Harawira said that the problem was exacerbated because when the Maori Party was going into coalition with National, the whole world was going into recession and when this happens their choice (National) is to help the rich guy, help the big business, on the basis that they will stay here and keep their business here and everybody will get a job He said the Maori Party needed to get back to supporting basic social policies to help the poor. There is a reference to the Christchurch earthquake of 4 September 2010 and the many strange ways of trying to predict the earthquakes and aftershocks that Christchurch has been experiencing.. (Stuff 18 January 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Governor of the Reserve Bank Allan Bollard holds a spade over his shoulder and a roll of toilet paper in his hand. Text reads 'Reserve Bank governor moves to restore confidence after the quake -' and Bollard says '..past the silver beet, left at the last of the beans and it's right by the caulis!' The little Evans man says 'What a relief!' Context - Two earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks have hit Christchurch, the first on 4 September 2010 and a second more devastating one on 22 February 2011. Toilets have been a real problem after the earthquakes with thousands of chemical toilets and portaloos being shipped in - some people, however, use the old kiwi method of digging a long-drop in the back garden. The Reserve Bank has made a relatively large 50-point cut in its benchmark interest rate, the Official Cash Rate (from 3% to 2.5 per cent). Critics say that inflation is already running unacceptably high and there is a threat of much higher inflation in a year or two when the rebuilding of Christchurch begins to put pressure on limited resources. The Reserve Bank acknowledged these factors, but it has chosen instead to focus on the immediate impact of the earthquake on the economy and particularly on all-important business and consumer sentiment. (Press editorial 12 March 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows members of the 'Japan Seismic Institute studying an earthquake graph; one of them says 'Where was that Kiwi moonman when we wanted him?' Depicted also is thew 'moonman' Ken Ring as a wizard studying an astrological chart. Behind them all Japan is depicted as a devastated wasteland. Context - the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 4th March 2011 and the present threat of a nuclear catastrophe. Also the so-called Moon Man, astrologer Ken Ring, who predicted that Christchurch would be hit by a huge earthquake today (20 March 2011). His claims have terrified Cantabrians and led to people fleeing Christchurch. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'What??... Is it another quake?.. No, it's just Gerry Brownlee rushing the CERA bill through'. The cartoon shows the huge back of Minister for Christchurch Recovery Gerry Brownlee moving energetically and forcefully to get the CERA bill past its third reading. Context - The bill establishes the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera) and empowers it to lead reconstruction efforts in Christchurch. It gives Cera specific powers to get information from any source, to requisition and build on land and to carry out demolitions. It can also take over local authorities if they are not working effectively on recovery work. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows a couple in their car driving along a road festooned with election billboards. The man reads a billboard and comments that the mayor is promising to 'move our district forward' and his partner suggests that with all the new jobs down in Christchurch maybe he should move the district down there. Probably refers to mayoral hopefuls in Whangarei, Pamela Sue Peters or Stan Semenoff, suggesting that people should move to Christchurch for jobs which, since the 4th September 2010 earthquake, are going to be plentiful. But it seems that every mayoral candidate in the country is intent on moving his or her part of New Zealand forward if they win the October 9 local body election. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Four cartoons in the same frame commenting on news and happenings in the week ending 15 December 2011. The cartoons refer to the expulsion of the controversial Member of Parliament, Brendan Horan, from the New Zealand First Party by its leader, Winston Peters; the stereotyping of New Zealand as being 'Middle Earth' following the filming of 'The Hobbit', punned as 'The Habbit'; the lax attitude to building design and standards, which led to the CTV Building disaster in the Christchurch earthquake; the news about the New Zealand SPCA teaching dogs to drive. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man representing the South Island stands under an umbrella representing 'hope' to shelter from a bucketload of water representing 'misfortune'. Context - in the last year apart from the usual droughts and floods the South Island has suffered the Pike River Mine disaster on 19 November 2010 in which 29 coal miners were killed, the 7.1 earthquake on 4 September 2010 in which there was a lot of damage but no deaths and now on 22 February 2011 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake which has probably killed more than 200 people (at this point the number is still not known) and caused more severe damage. The reason the apparently lesser magnitude quake caused more destruction is because it was very shallow, was in the middle of the day and struck very close to the centre of the city. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text at top left reads 'Where earthquakes come from' Below God and the devil stand on either side of a gaming board which shows a map of New Zealand placed on a numbered board. The croupier spins the numbers and says 'Faites vos jeux' while the devil furiously shakes the dice and God makes a peace sign and thinks 'Next move'..' Context - the apparently random nature of when and where earthquakes strike. Because of the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 many New Zealanders have been asking for more certainty about earthquake prediction which scientists cannot yet give them. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

It is night and a man and his wife are lifting their chemical toilet over the garden fence with the intention of emptying it into the neighbour's longdrop. The man confidently tells his wife to relax as the neighbour hasn't a clue they are planning to do this. The neighbour, meanwhile, sits in the outhouse holding a cricket bat at the ready. Context - toilet problems in Christchurch post earthquake 22 February 2011. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In four frames a man watches the news on TV. He hears that 'Severe aftershocks continue as the demolition crew move into the red zone.. amidst the badly damaged infrastructure..' His wife offers him a cup of tea and assumes the report is about Christchurch but it is not, it is about 'Phil Goff & Labour' Context - Christchurch continues to have aftershocks following the February 22 earthquake and the Labour Party is suffering one bodyblow after another - the last being the Darren Hughes affair. This is disastrous for Labour because the 2011 election is in November. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).