Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :"WHAT!" 20 July 2011
A man dozes in front of the television news which reports in four cameos 'Israel defies UN!, Israel assassinates Palestinian leaders!, land seized and homes bulldozed, Israel smashes Palestinian infrastructure!, Gaza shelled!', Israel blocks aid convoys! Nine die!, Palestinians children traumatised'. In the last cameo the newsreader says 'Israeli spies in NZ - maybe!' and the man wakes up and fully alert yells 'WHAT!' Context: We only care when the news is close to home! The Southland Times reported on 20th July that an Israeli national killed in the February Christchurch Earthquake was a Mossad spy. PM John Key has confirmed that an investigation into the four Israelis involved was carried out by police and the SIS but he said no evidence was found of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence. It would seem that the group were backpackers, not Mossad agents. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).