Mud fills the wetland.
Otukaikino Reserve ,Christchurch .Hasn,t been open since Sept earthquake so i dont know what it is like now but it was a very nice area
Footpath at the end of Seabreeze Close. Houses in this area have been evacuated.
A photograph of the Travis Wetland.
A video of Lianne Dalziel talking about her vision for the Christchurch residential red zone. Dalziel talks about turning the Travis Wetlands and some of the residential red zone into the largest natural wetlands within a city boundary.
A photograph looking down Wetlands Grove in Bexley.
A photograph of an abandoned property at 43 Wetlands Grove in Bexley.
A photograph of an abandoned property at 51 Wetlands Grove in Bexley.
A photograph of an abandoned house at 36 Wetlands Grove in Bexley.
A photograph of an abandoned house at 38 Wetlands Grove in Bexley.
A photograph of road cones on a damaged road. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Wetlands Grove, Bexley".
A photograph of road cones on a residential street. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Wetlands Grove, Bexley".
20100905_3336_1D3-24 Ground movement Pacific Park - Christchurch earthquake A house in Pacific Park (Bexley) that borders the Bexley Wetlands. Land moved towards the wetlands and the closer to wetlands the more severe the damage.
Stopbanks around Bexley Wetland.
Stopbanks around Bexley Wetland.
Seabreeze Close, Bexley Wetland
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Seabreeze Close and Wetlands Grove, Bexley".
An emerging water crisis is on the horizon and is poised to converge with several other impending problems in the 21st century. Future uncertainties such as climate change, peak oil and peak water are shifting the international focus from a business as usual approach to an emphasis on sustainable and resilient strategies that better meet these challenges. Cities are being reimagined in new ways that take a multidisciplinary approach, decompartmentalising functions and exploring ways in which urban systems can share resources and operate more like natural organisms. This study tested the landscape design implications of wastewater wetlands in the urban environment and evaluated their contribution to environmental sustainability, urban resilience and social development. Black and grey water streams were the central focus of this study and two types of wastewater wetlands, tidal flow (staged planning) and horizontal subsurface flow wetlands were tested through design investigations in the earthquake-affected city of Christchurch, New Zealand. These investigations found that the large area requirements of wastewater wetlands can be mitigated through landscape designs that enhance a matrix of open spaces and corridors in the city. Wastewater wetlands when combined with other urban and rural services such as food production, energy generation and irrigation can aid in making communities more resilient. Landscape theory suggests that the design of wastewater wetlands must meet cultural thresholds of beauty and that the inclusion of waste and ecologies in creatively designed landscapes can deepen our emotional connection to nature and ourselves.
Researchers have begun to explore the opportunity presented by blue-green infrastructure(a subset of nature-based solutions that provide blue and green space in urban infrastructure)as a response to the pressures of climate change. The 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence created a unique landscape within which there is opportunity to experiment with and invest in new solutions to climate change adaptation in urban centres. Constructed wetlands are an example of blue-green infrastructure that can potentially support resilience in urban communities. This research explores interactions between communities and constructed wetlands to understand how this may influence perceptions of community resilience. The regeneration of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor (OARC) provides a space to investigate these relationships. Seven stakeholders from the community, industry, and academia, each with experience in blue-green infrastructure in the OARC, participated in a series of semi-structured interviews. Each participant was given the opportunity to reflect on their perspectives of community, community resilience, and constructed wetlands and their interconnections. Interview questions aligned with the overarching research objectives to (1) understand perceptions around the role of wetlands in urban communities, (2) develop a definition for community resilience in the context of the Ōtākaro Avon community, and (3) reflect on how wetlands can contribute to (or detract from) community resilience. This study found that constructed wetlands can facilitate learning about the challenges and solutions needed to adapt to climate change. From the perspective of the community representatives, community resilience is linked to social capital. Strong social networks and a relationship with nature were emphasised as core components of a community’s ability to adapt to disruption. Constructed wetlands are therefore recognised as potentially contributing to community resilience by providing spaces for people to engage with each other and nature. Investment in constructed wetlands can support a wider response to climate change impacts. This research was undertaken with the support of the Ōtākaro Living Laboratory Trust, who are invested in the future of the OARC. The outcomes of this study suggest that there is an opportunity to use wetland spaces to establish programmes that explore the perceptions of constructed wetlands from a broader community definition, at each stage of the wetland life cycle, and at wider scales(e.g., at a city scale or beyond).
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Bexley, Morganwood Street is in the centre of this picture. Also includes Velsheda Street, Wetlands Grove and Birch Street".
The flooded Bexley Wetlands, now about 1 - 1.5metre below pre earthquake level. The short length of fence (mid ground) was on the "river track" that the council closed about three years ago. The whole track in this view is now under about 500mm water at high tide. The main track in front of the houses was, prior to earthquakes, below the leve...
An infographic showing possible lake and wetland sites on the Avon River.
Growing in a red zone vacant section in Wetlands Grove, Pacific Park.
An aerial photograph looking across Burwood to the Travis Wetlands and Bottle Lake Reserve.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Residential properties on Wetlands Grove in Bexley".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Residential properties on Wetlands Grove in Bexley".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Residential properties on Wetlands Grove in Bexley".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Residential properties on Wetlands Grove in Bexley".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Residential properties on Wetlands Grove in Bexley".