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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of SPCA Wellington vehicles parked on the intersection of Lichfield and Manchester Streets after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, the earthquake damage to the Tower Chambers building can be seen.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Australian cricket legend Shane Warne is top billing on an all-star lineup of former cricketers and sporting personalities for a Christchurch earthquake appeal charity match in Wellington on Sunday March the 13th. Warne will play in Stephen Fleming's Canterbury Invitation Eleven against Martin Crowe's Wellington Legends at the Basin Reserve.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a SPCA Wellington vehicle driving through the Christchurch central city after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. In the background, a group of shops has been damaged by the earthquakes. A portaloo can be seen to the left.

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

Museums around the world are often affected by major catastrophes, and yet planning for these disasters is an often neglected aspect of museum practice. New Zealand is not immune from these events, as can be seen in the recent series of serious earthquakes in Christchurch in 2010 and 2011. This dissertation considers how prepared the New Zealand museum sector is to handle unexpected events that negatively affect its buildings, staff, operations and treasured collections. The central research question was: What is the overall state of emergency planning in the New Zealand museum sector? There was a significant gap in the literature, especially in the local context, as there has been only one other comparable study conducted in Britain, and nothing locally. This dissertation makes a valuable contribution to the field of museum studies by drawing on theory from relevant areas such as crises management literature and by conducting original empirical research on a topic which has received little attention hitherto. The research employed a number of methods, including a review of background secondary sources, a survey and interviews. After contextualising the study with a number of local examples, Ian online survey was then developed an which enabled precise understanding of the nature of current museum practices and policies around emergency planning. Following this I conducted several interviews with museum professionals from a variety of institutional backgrounds which explored their thoughts and feelings behind the existing practices within the industry. The findings of the research were significant and somewhat alarming: almost 40% of the museum and galleries in New Zealand do not have any emergency plan at all, and only 11% have what they considered ‘complete’ plans. The research revealed a clear picture of the current width and depth of planning, as well as practices around updating the plans and training related to them. Within the industry there is awareness that planning for emergencies is important, but museum staff typically lack the knowledge and guidance needed to conduct effective emergency planning. As a result of the analysis, several practical suggestions are presented aimed at improving emergency planning practices in New Zealand museums. However this study has implications for museum studies and for current museum practice everywhere, as many of the recommendations for resolving the current obstacles and problems are applicable anywhere in the world, suggesting that New Zealand museums could become leaders in this important area.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the reactions of animals at the Orana Wildlife Park to the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with Nieka George, Primate Keeper, about the reaction of the spider monkey Jackie Chan, who had arrived from Wellington Zoo three days prior. It also includes an interview with Aaron Gilmore, Head Keeper of Exotic Mammals, about the reactions of the giraffes. Both species were initially alarmed by the earthquakes, but have got used to them quickly and have barely reacted to the aftershocks in the following weeks.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The new Wellington Venues Limited CEO discusses her ideas for the events scene in the capital, plus the addition of a new Christchurch Artists exhibition in the St James Theatre, which will raise money for artists affected by the earthquake

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Opposition parties fear a new department to control the rebuilding of Christchurch will be Wellington-centric and not allow the community to have its fair say in decisions. The Labour Party's spokesperson on the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, Clayton Cosgrove, spoke to our political editor Brent Edwards.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In the programme this week - the former New Zealand cricket captain Stephen Fleming talks about plans for a charity cricket match to raise funds for victims of the Canterbury earthquake. We hear about the role of sports chaplaincy in New Zealand sports teams, Blyth Tait talks about his return to top level Equestrian competition after a seven year absence and one of the country's premier mountain biking events, the Karapoti Classic, near Wellington is underway again.