A timeline of Gerald Shirtcliff's career.
A timeline of Gerald Shirtcliff's career.
A timeline of the CTV building.
A timeline for the Recovery Strategy.
A timeline of the CTV building's history.
A graphic showing the timeline for reconstruction.
A timeline of zoning delays in Southshore.
A timeline of Roger Sutton's leadership of CERA.
A timeline giving the history of ChristChurch Cathedral.
A timeline for the opening of the Re:Start mall.
A timeline for the demolition of the Hotel Grand Chancellor.
A timeline for the consultation on changes to Christchurch schools.
A timeline for the consultation on changes to Christchurch schools.
The left-hand section of a timeline of the CTV building.
The right-hand section of a timeline of the CTV building.
A timeline of the debate surrounding the demolition of ChristChurch Cathedral.
A timeline for the consultation process for the draft Central City Plan.
A timeline of architect Peter Beaven's life, including significant Christchurch buildings he designed.
A timeline of events in the year since the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A timeline of events in the debate over the demolition of ChristChurch Cathedral.
A timeline of events since Ken Franklin was appointed Director of the Arts Centre.
A timeline of events affecting the former residents of the Wainoni "House of Horrors".
A timeline of events during the attempt to rescue Tamara Cvetanova from the CTV building.
A photograph of a flag in a road cone, next to a digger carrying out road works. The flag is part of the first phase of All Right?'s advertising campaign, and reads, "It's all right if you're a tad on edge this morning".
An image featuring a man in a suit with accessories made from pink straws, and reads, "Win with All Right and Buskers!" The image advertises a social media competition for a family weekend away in Hanmer, which was entered by posting something with the tags '@allrightnz' and '@worldbuskersfestival'. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 17 January 2014 at 3:52pm.
A photograph of an All Right? billboard in a field in the Waimakariri district. The billboard reads, "It's all right if you feel frustrated at times." All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 19 March 2013 at 2:29pm.
A photograph of All Right? team members in Sumner for The Press Summer Starter. Summer Starter was a 10km run from New Brighton to Sumner. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page.
A photograph of posters that have been personalised by swapping the 'All Righties' heads with personal photographs. The posters are from the second phase of the All Right? campaign, which promoted the Five Ways to Wellbeing. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 21 November 2014 at 12:51pm.
A photograph of All Right? advertisements on the back of buses at the Red Bus depot on Ferry Road. The advertisements read, "When did you last really catch up?" and "When did you last show a little love?".
A photograph of stacks of booklets titled Write Now: Words of Canterbury Kids 2014. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 30 August 2014 at 1:48pm.