An aerial photograph of Avonside and its surrounding suburbs.
A graphic comparing rental prices in Christchurch suburbs.
A map showing the status of hill suburbs.
Heart-shaped notes on the fence of Burwood Primary School. The notes express appreciation for the efforts of the civil defence, fire service, volunteers and council workers from the students of Burwood Primary.
A graph comparing changes property values across Christchurch suburbs.
A photograph of Ngita from the Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch taking part in #FiveYearsOn. Ngita holds a sign which reads, "Five years on, I feel... Over it! Ngita, eastern suburbs".
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Suburbs in limbo".
A page banner for earthquake-related articles, headed 'Our suburbs'.
A graphic asking readers to rate services in their suburbs.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Subsidence under the New Brighton Road electrical substation, a result of the extensive liquefaction in the eastern suburbs".
Notes on a Christchurch Trip By Fabian Bell Part V: A Visit to Some of the Suburbs and a Parting Nor’ Wester The room in which Bishop Julius was entertained at luncheon the other day is a par…
A map showing the locations of arsons in the eastern suburbs.
A view over the Avon River towards Oxford Terrace where the road is badly cracked and slumping towards the river. Road cones mark the uneven surface.
The Government has a clear picture of what areas of Christchurch cannot be rebuilt because of earthquake damage but will not reveal them yet.
An infographic giving the history of suburbs in the residential red zone.
A page banner promoting an article about flooding in the eastern suburbs.
A page banner promoting earthquake-related articles titled, "Shattered Suburbs" and "Ghost Town".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Extensive cracking to the Wainoni Road bridge. There has been a vehicle weight limit of 3500kg placed on the bridge. A person was placed on duty at all times to police this".
A community briefing sign for Burwood Park, between Cresswell Avenue and New Brighton Road. These signs were put up in Christchurch for each community briefing. The first series (6 March to 12 March) were held in 12 locations, second series (21 March to 26 March) in 10 locations and the third series (16 April to 18 April) in 8 locations.
The start of the New Brighton Jubilee River Walk, next to the Avon River and the Estuary.
An aerial photograph of the Avon Loop in Avonside.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A road sign on Kingsford Street in New Brighton. Some very badly affected roads in eastern suburbs had a 10 km/h restrictions. Other eastern areas had a vehicle speed restrictions of 30 km/h".
A map showing suburbs with a large number of homes with more than $100,000 damage.
One of the Christchurch suburbs worst hit in the Canterbury earthquakes is on the way to recovery.
Plastic barriers and fencing around a demolition site on the corner of Cranford and Westminster Streets. Different types of building rubble have been sorted into piles, and a concrete block still remains on-site.
A view over the Avon River towards Oxford Terrace. A small digger can be seen at work to the left.
A view down a New Brighton Road next to the river. On the left sandbags have been placed on the banks of the river to prevent flooding onto the road. The earthquake caused the ground to subside and sink, making this area susceptible to flooding.
Large cracks on Fitzgerald Avenue, closing one side of the road. Road cones have been used to indicate two lanes on the other side.