Construction vehicles levelling a bank beside the Kaiapoi River in Kaiapoi to be laid with a new footpath.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Building stop banks along the Avon River in Avonside Drive".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avonside Drive. Building up the Avon River stop banks".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Avonside Drive. Building up the Avon River stop banks".
The start of the New Brighton Jubilee River Walk, next to the Avon River and the Estuary. The Council has built a stop bank along the walkway.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Large cracks along the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "New Brighton Road/Bower Avenue".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Earthquake damage repair work on the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Loxley Avenue showing stop bank build".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. A large crack at the base of the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Large cracks along the top of the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Engineers huddle on the stop bank to discuss the situation".
A copy of a letter from Seamus O'Cromtha which was sent to the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on 3 September 2016. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. In the letter, O'Cromtha calls on the Chief Executive to instruct the Christchurch City Council to stop issuing building consents in areas such as the Avon River floodplain until stop banks have been erected along the river. O'Cromtha comments, "Properties that should be protected by stop banks currently have no protection against flooding".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. TV crew film the inside of the crack on the stop bank while John McCombe (photographer) looks on".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Brian McIndoe, ECAN Waimakariri Area Engineer, inspects one of the cracks which is causing concern on the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Brian McIndoe, ECAN Waimakariri Area Engineer, inspects one of the cracks which is causing concern on the stop bank".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in NZ have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. The once level stop bank has lowered about 1.5 metres in place. Kaiapoi township is to the left of the frame".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Kaiapoi stop bank earmarked to have underground damming to alleviate liquefaction in earthquakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Kaiapoi stop bank earmarked to have underground damming to alleviate liquefaction in earthquakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Kaiapoi stop bank earmarked to have underground damming to alleviate liquefaction in earthquakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Kaiapoi stop bank earmarked to have underground damming to alleviate liquefaction in earthquakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Kaiapoi stop bank earmarked to have underground damming to alleviate liquefaction in earthquakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of Christchurch earthquake as residents start to clean up. City Council surveyors Michael Croucher, left, and James Anderson check stop bank levels along the Avon River in Dallington/Burwood".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Engineers from ECAN and other areas in New Zealand have been inspecting the Waimakariri River stop banks on the coast side of State Highway 1 after the September earthquake. Ian Heslop, ECAN Design and Operations Engineer".
With the land dropping about 1metre to 1.4metres after the earthquakes, a few roads besides the Avon and Heathcote Rivers are flooded with very high tides. Extra stop banks (on right) erected after the quakes have helped, but the road is now well below high water level. New Brighton Road, just short of New Brighton. The Pages Road bridge may b...
A review of the week's news including... Relief after cyclone Cook passes quickly down the North Island with limited damage, questions about what was known about the increasing risk of Edgecumbe stop banks bursting, the man who gave us Fred Dagg has died suddenly, three more former CERA staffers are being investigated after conflict of interests prompted calls for a wider inquiry, a warning more homeless families will be sleeping in cars parks and garages in Auckland this winter, the High Court rules excessive defamation damages against Colin Craig constitute a miscarriage of justice, a verdict in a defamation against the Labour leader Andrew Little, relatives of New Zealand soldiers killed on duty in South East Asia are relieved their family members will be finally returned home, US consumer campaigner Erin Brockovich visits Christchurch homeowners who are trying to settle earthquake insurance claims six years on, three teams have been cut from the Super Rugby competition and a more than 50 year old copper time capsule has been cracked open.
In the aftermath of the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES), the location of Christchurch-City on the coast of the Canterbury Region (New Zealand) has proven crucial in determining the types of- and chains of hazards that impact the city. Very rapidly, the land subsidence of up to 1 m (vertical), and the modifications of city’s waterways – bank sliding, longitudinal profile change, sedimentation and erosion, engineered stop-banks… - turned rainfall and high-tides into unprecedented floods, which spread across the eastern side of the city. Within this context, this contribution presents two modeling results of potential floods: (1) results of flood models and (2) the effects of further subsidence-linked flooding – indeed if another similar earthquake was to strike the city, what could be the scenarios of further subsidence and then flooding. The present research uses the pre- and post-CES LiDAR datasets, which have been used as the boundary layer for the modeling. On top of simple bathtub model of inundation, the river flood model was conducted using the 2-D hydrodynamic code NAYS-2D developed at the University of Hokkaido (Japan), using a depth-averaged resolution of the hydrodynamic equations. The results have shown that the area the most at risk of flooding are the recent Holocene sedimentary deposits, and especially the swamplands near the sea and in the proximity of waterways. As the CES drove horizontal and vertical displacement of the land-surface, the surface hydrology of the city has been deeply modified, increasing flood risks. However, it seems that scientists and managers haven’t fully learned from the CES, and no research has been looking at the potential future subsidence in further worsening subsidence-related floods. Consequently, the term “coastal quake”, coined by D. Hart is highly topical, and most especially because most of our modern cities and mega-cities are built on estuarine Holocene sediments.
The 22 February 2011, Mw6.2-6.3 Christchurch earthquake is the most costly earthquake to affect New Zealand, causing 181 fatalities and severely damaging thousands of residential and commercial buildings, and most of the city lifelines and infrastructure. This manuscript presents an overview of observed geotechnical aspects of this earthquake as well as some of the completed and on-going research investigations. A unique aspect, which is particularly emphasized, is the severity and spatial extent of liquefaction occurring in native soils. Overall, both the spatial extent and severity of liquefaction in the city was greater than in the preceding 4th September 2010 Darfield earthquake, including numerous areas that liquefied in both events. Liquefaction and lateral spreading, variable over both large and short spatial scales, affected commercial structures in the Central Business District (CBD) in a variety of ways including: total and differential settlements and tilting; punching settlements of structures with shallow foundations; differential movements of components of complex structures; and interaction of adjacent structures via common foundation soils. Liquefaction was most severe in residential areas located to the east of the CBD as a result of stronger ground shaking due to the proximity to the causative fault, a high water table approximately 1m from the surface, and soils with composition and states of high susceptibility and potential for liquefaction. Total and differential settlements, and lateral movements, due to liquefaction and lateral spreading is estimated to have severely compromised 15,000 residential structures, the majority of which otherwise sustained only minor to moderate damage directly due to inertial loading from ground shaking. Liquefaction also had a profound effect on lifelines and other infrastructure, particularly bridge structures, and underground services. Minor damage was also observed at flood stop banks to the north of the city, which were more severely impacted in the 4th September 2010 Darfield earthquake. Due to the large high-frequency ground motion in the Port hills numerous rock falls and landslides also occurred, resulting in several fatalities and rendering some residential areas uninhabitable.