A green notice on a building on Manchester Street, indicating that it has been assessed by structural engineers and is safe. Every building in Christchurch was assessed in this way, a green, yellow or red notice placed on the front door or window. Green means ok to enter; yellow, restricted use; red, not safe to enter.
A photograph of green and red stickers taped to the door of the Money Club Building on Manchester Street. The green sticker indicates that the building has been inspected and the red that it is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of an orange stickered house on Kilmore Street. The orange sticker indicates that the building can only be entered for short periods.
A photograph of an orange sticker on a building on Kilmore Street. The orange sticker indicates that the building can only be entered for short periods.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Post-earthquake buildings".
A red-stickered house in Avonside. This means the house is unsafe to enter. A crack can be seen running through the lawn and a slab of concrete in the driveway has lifted up.
A red-stickered house in Avonside. This means the house is unsafe to enter. A crack can be seen running through the lawn.
Red sticker declaring a building on Hereford Street unsafe.
A photograph of USAR codes spra-painted on the front doors of Dick Smith on Manchester Street. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that access to the building is restricted.
A photograph of volunteers fron the Wellington Emergency Management Office walking down an earthquake damaged street in Christchurch. In the background, one of the houses has a yellow sticker, indicating that access is restricted.
A photograph of Pretty Things on Colombo Street, with damage to the front wall and fencing around the building. A red sticker can be seen on the front door, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of plywood taped to the broken glass of Coco's Hair Design on Colombo Street. A green sticker in the window indicates that the building has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.
A photograph of USAR codes spray painted on the front doors of the Grumpy Mole Saloon on Cashel Street. A green sticker indicates that the building has been inspected and is safe to enter.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Red sticker on Pills For Thrills building".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Red sticker on Pills For Thrills building".
A photograph of Pretty Things on Colombo Street, with damage to the front wall, and road cones, tape and fencing around the building. A red sticker can be seen on the front door, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of signs in the front door of the Bai Yok restaurant on Colombo Street. One of the sign reads, "Closed, Will Return". No time or date has been added to the sign. A ripped yellow sticker stuck to the glass indicates that the access to the building is restricted. The Phanyou Family have also taped a piece of paper to the door with their contact numers.
A photograph of a green sticker on the window of The Dolls House Shop antique store on Colombo Street. The sticker indicates that the store is safe to enter. The sign reads, "Inspected, no restriction on use or occupancy. This building has received a brief inspection only. While no apparent structural or other safety hazards have been found, a more comprehensive inspection of the exterior and interior may reveal safety hazards". The structural engineer has written on the sign "propping to rear of building inadequate, fire egress also at rear inappropriate, no occupancy to second storey".
A photograph of a sign in the window of the Studio Works Gallery on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Dear customer, we are still in business...We will soon update our website...All current customer artworks are safe and we will contact each of you soon. Thank you". A yellow sticker in the door indicates that access to the building is restricted.
An abandoned house on Avonside Drive. A red sign taped to the window states that the house is "Unsafe" to enter.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Red sticker on Thai restaurant on Victoria Street".
A photograph of the entrance to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The window to the left has been boarded up with plywood, and tape has been placed in front to keep the area clear. A green sticker can be seen in the window to the right, indicating that the hotel is safe to enter.
A photograph of Shooters on the corner of Manchester and Cashel Street. Yellow stickers on the door indicate that access to the building is restricted. To the left, road cones and cordon tape have been used to close off Manchester Street. On the right, there is wire fencing along both sides of Cashel Street.
A photograph of a 'yellow sticker' notice on the door of 132 Kilmore Street. The notice indicates restricted use.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Red sticker on restaurants and take out places on Victoria Street".
The Provincial Chambers Building with a red sticker on the door. This means the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".
A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".