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Audio, Radio New Zealand

The earthquake may have rattled the Canterbury province but it certainly didn't affect the local representative at the national secondary school Maori speech competitions. In He Rourou, we hear the impromptu speech by Satrianni Reihana, she chose to talk about extolling one's own virtue.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The sign for Perry's Cafe has had "Shaken but not deterred" added under the name of the cafe. One of the iconic figures of two workmen painted on the side of the building, which have regularly-changed speech bubbles commenting humorously on topical subjects, are saying "Is my crack showing?" The paint has peeled from the other speech bubble, obscuring the reply. The photographer comments, "After the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch a lot of buildings were damaged and made off limits. This affected a lot of cafes and take aways, so if you were open you needed to make it known. The words missing from the speech bubble are 'Don't be silly'".