In the days after the devastating earthquake on 22 February 2011, we lost water in my neighbourhood. However, I was able to supplement the water in our emergency kit with water from this spigot in Somerfield Cemetary. Thank you, William Russell.
The topic of ‘resilience’ thinking seems of late to have superseded that of ‘sustainability’ thinking. Sustainability means simply that which sustains and lasts but has taken on many different subtle nuances over the last 20 years since it came into common parlance with the Bruntland Report of 1987, which sought to clarify the definition. However, resilience ‘speak’ has become hot property now, especially highlighted since Christchurch experienced a natural disaster in the form of several large earthquakes from Sep 2010 until most recently in December 2011. Many people comment on how resilient people have been, how resilient the city has been, so it seems timely to investigate what resilience actually means and importantly, resilient to what and of what? (Lorenz, 2010). This essay will look at the concept of systems and resilience, definitions and theories will be explored generally and then these concepts will be more closely defined within the context of a particular system, that of Somerfield School located in the western suburbs of Christchurch.
This is what my lunch looked like after spending a month in my office, post-quake. The banana had liquefied in its skin but there wasn't any mould or anything else. The banana absolutely reeked, though; I ended up tossing everything that had been in the lunch box.
Broken head-stones as a result of the magnitude 6.3 quake in Christchurch - 22 February 2011. HDR process to add the "feeling" I felt at seeing this sort of damage.
deduced from the fact the breaks appeared new and others damaged around it.
Fallen headstone due to September 4th earthquake: Mary Ann DONALDSON Died 20 April 1908 aged 68 years Occupation: domestic of Division Street Born: England [information from cemetery online database and listed as in same plot as below] In loving remembrance of James DONALDSON who departd this life June 10th 1904 aged 77 years "Thou shalt come t...
Fallen headstone due to September 4th earthquake: Mary Ann DONALDSON Died 20 April 1908 aged 68 years Occupation: domestic of Division Street Born: England [information from cemetery online database and listed as in same plot as below] In loving remembrance of James DONALDSON who departd this life June 10th 1904 aged 77 years "Thou shalt come t...
deduced from the fact the breaks appeared new and others damaged around it.
A graphic giving the status of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Te Whanau Tahi.