
found 20 results

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Adam McGrath, Jess Shanks and Alice Ryan Williams from Lyttelton band The Eastern singing songs to people in the community. The song recipients were nominated by family, friends or workmates, and in total seven people were chosen, including a teacher, office worker and traffic controller. The video and event were organised by All Right?. The video was distributed by The Press and was posted to the All Right? Facebook Timeline in October 2014.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a smiling child with Captain America's shield at Christchurch Hospital childrens' ward. Captain America was there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:43pm with the caption, "The smiles that made it all worthwhile...".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a child posing with (from left to right) Iron Man, 'Flat Man', Captain America, Batman and Batman (front) at Christchurch Hospital. The superheroes were there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:43pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of children at Christchurch Hospital looking out the window at Spiderman abseiling down the side of the building. Spiderman was there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. The abseiling gear was provided by Goleman Exterior Building Care. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:42pm with the caption, "Spiderman abseiling down the side of the hospital, preparing to enter the ward".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a child battling Captain America at one of Christchurch Hospital childrens' wards. Captain America was there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:44pm. It was posted with the caption, "Captain America versus Gorgeous wee superhero".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a child and Batman posing together in one of Christchurch Hospital childrens' wards. Batman was there as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise', which involved people dressed as superheroes surprising children at Christchurch Hospital with gifts and entertainment. All Right? posted the photograph to their Facebook Timeline on 2 July 2014 at 12:42pm with the caption, "Batman and Buddy".