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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph submitted by Rose to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "February 2011, Avondale. Silt piled up outside our house after hours on the shovel.".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Cleaning up the silt and sand from Hoon Hay properties. Here Laura, Robbie, and Ronny are part of the clean-up crew on Wyn Street.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Cleaning up Manning Signs of the silt from liquefaction. Three fellow workers man the shovels while two building engineers talk to the boss (hidden). After doing the car park we then turned our hands to the inside of the factory, once clearance was given that we could go inside.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. University student Sam Johnson organised through Facebook students to go into the suburbs to help residents clean up after Saturday morning's earthquake. They gathered in Halswell to help residents clean up the silt from their properties. Celia Mann and Dave White shovel dirt".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. University student Sam Johnson organised through Facebook students to go into the suburbs to help residents clean up after Saturday morning's earthquake. They gathered in Halswell to help residents clean up the silt from their properties. James Litchwark (L) and Tom van Laanen shovel dirt".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. University student Sam Johnson organised through Facebook students to go into the suburbs to help residents clean up after Saturday morning's earthquake. They gathered in Halswell to help residents clean up the silt from their properties. James Litchwark (L) and James Wigzell shovel dirt from 2A Larsons Road, Halswell".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to a window. The sign includes a bullet pointed list of humorous observations about Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake. The sign reads, "You know you're from Christchurch when: you use the term 'liquefaction' and 'seismic design' in casual conversation; digging a hole and shitting in your garden is no longer weird; your mayor describes the city as munted. If he means FUBARed, you agree; weaving through car size potholes on the street is no longer weird; a shower is heaven; you have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet; you see tanks...driving around town; you are always noting what you are under; due to frequent aftershocks during the night, you sleep like a baby - every 10 minutes you wake up and shit yourself".

Research papers, Lincoln University

The September and February earthquakes were terrifying and devastating. In February, 185 people were killed (this number excludes post earthquake related deaths) and several thousand injured. Damage to infrastructure above and below ground in and around Christchurch was widespread and it will take many years and billions of dollars to rebuild. The ongoing effects of the big quakes and aftershocks are numerous, with the deepest impact being on those who lost family and friends, their livelihoods and homes. What did Cantabrians do during the days, weeks and months of uncertainty and how have we responded? Many grieved, some left, some stayed, some arrived, many shovelled (liquefaction left thousands of tons of silt to be removed from homes and streets), and some used their expertise or knowledge to help in the recovery. This book highlights just some of the projects staff and students from The Faculty of Environment, Society and Design have been involved in from September 2010 to October 2012. The work is ongoing and the plan is to publish another book to document progress and new projects.