A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 233, which was published on 15 April 2011.
A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 237, which was published on 14 October 2011.
A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 236, which was published on 16 September 2011.
A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 232 which was published on 11 March 2011.
A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 234, which was published on 17 June 2011.
A scanned paper copy of The Southshore Beacon issue 235, which was published on 19 August 2011.
An electronic copy of the December 2011 edition of the St Albans News newsletter.
An electronic copy of the June 2011 edition of the St Albans News newsletter.
An electronic copy of the August 2011 edition of the St Albans News newsletter.
An electronic copy of the October 2011 edition of the St Albans News newsletter.
An electronic copy of the April 2011 edition of the St Albans News newsletter.
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110624 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A photograph of a table full of food donated to Horseshoe Lake residents by the farming community of Western Southland. A sign behind the table reads, "Horseshoe Lake Residents Association".
Residents in the Christchurch suburb of Parklands say their area should be made a red-zone.
Medics from the New Zealand Army checking on rest home residents on an aircraft. The residents were evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Rest home residents strapped into a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules C-130. The residents were being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Medics from the New Zealand Army assisting a rest home resident. The resident was being transferred onto a Boeing 757 and evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Rest home residents strapped into a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules C-130. The residents were being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Thousands of Christchurch residents have shared their views on how the central city should be rebuilt after February's catastrophic earthquake.
Residents living in Canterbury's red zones are praising Labour's plan to help them recover from the effects of the region's earthquakes.
Members of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Air Security team carrying a rest home resident onto an air craft. The resident is being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Some Canterbury residents are returning to homes damaged in last year's 7.1 earthquake, because they can't afford to live anywhere else.
Residents will find out today if they can remain, or if they'll have to leave their homes. With guests Pam Harrison, a Dallington resident who expects she'll have to abandon her home; Leanne Curtis, CanCERN spokesperson and Avonside resident; and David Middleton, former Chief Executive of the Earthquake Commission for 17 years.
There were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.
A video about the New Zealand Army's delivery of chemical toilets to Christchurch residents without plumbing.
Members of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Air Security team carrying a rest home resident onto an air craft. The resident is being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Members of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Air Security team carrying a rest home resident onto an air craft. The resident is being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Some residents have been waiting for the verdict on the fate of their home and land since the first earthquake hit in September last year.
A Christchurch City Councillor is worried the wishes of local residents and the council could be by-passed once the Earthquake Recovery Authority takes over rebuilding the city.
Residents in a hercules being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.