An update on the Christchurch earthquake from Jessica Maddock.
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110622 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A copy of the transcript of Vicki Wilkinson-Baker's interview.
We hear the latest from Latimer Square where a make-shift hospital has been set-up outside the Canterbury TV building.
Radio New Zealand's Jessica Maddock reports in from outside the remains of the Canterbury TV building where people are still trapped alive.
After being rocked awake by the massive 7.8 earthquake that hit North Canterbury last November, RNZ reporter Phil Pennington was among the first reporters to be sent to Kaikoura to assess the damage.
A video of an interview with Tim Crowshaw, a farming reporter, about his experiences in the Press building cafeteria during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The quake stricken city has come through the latest round of earthquakes relatively unscathed. However there is disappointment that some homes were burgled after residents evacuated. The police say they will investigate.
Radio New Zealand reporter Katy Gossett reports from Linwood.
Radio New Zealand reporter Rachel Graham is in Latimer Square.
Mayor Bob Parker talks to a reporter from Sky News.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team meeting outside the Christchurch Art Gallery. In the background a member of the Red Cross is being interviewed by a news reporter.
Monique Devereux is a Christchurch resident and former Radio New Zealand reporter.
John Carter, Minister for Civil Defence gives reporters in Wellington a briefing.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports from the Christchurch Central City cordon.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock has been to a Civil Defense Briefing.
A One News reporter speaking to a camera on the Bridge of Remembrance.
A video of reporter Charlie Gates exploring the residential red zone in Christchurch.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports on a briefing by Mayor Bob Parker.
Christchurch Reporter Jessica Horn is at the emergency accomodation centre at Bernside High School.
Radio New Zealand Reporter Rachel Graham is at the Christchurch City Council's civil defense headquarters.
Reporter Jessica Horn is at Burnside High School, where a welfare centre has been set up.
Jim Mora crosses to reporters in Christchurh to get an update on the 1:00pm aftershock.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Under pressure, reporter Charlie Gates, in the newsroom at the Novotel Hotel".
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Horne is at her home in Christchurch, which has sunken into the ground.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Sports reporter Greg Ford takes a look at the Wilding Park Tennis courts".
Emily Cooper, who worked as a reporter in the CTV building, which was destroyed by the earthquake.
Radio New Zealand reporter Rachel Graham is at the triage centre that has been set up in Latimer Square.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports from the Christchurch City Art Gallery which has been converted into a Civil Defence centre.
A soldier outside the cordon around the CBD talks on a portable telephone, while a media reporter waits for entry.