The text of a Pecha Kucha talk titled, "A working week in the Recovery Centre". The talk was given by Moya Sherrif, CCCRC Intern, at the Museums Aotearoa Conference on 4 April 2014.
An interview with Chris Whitty, Site Manager at the Christchurch Arts Centre, about the recovery of the Townsend Telescope from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The interview was conducted by Sebastian Wilberforce.
We present the initial findings from a study of adaptive resilience of lifelines organisations providing essential infrastructure services, in Christchurch, New Zealand following the earthquakes of 2010-2011. Qualitative empirical data was collected from 200 individuals in 11 organisations. Analysis using a grounded theory method identified four major factors that aid organisational response, recovery and renewal following major disruptive events. Our data suggest that quality of top and middle-level leadership, quality of external linkages, level of internal collaboration, ability to learn from experience, and staff well-being and engagement influence adaptive resilience. Our data also suggest that adaptive resilience is a process or capacity, not an outcome and that it is contextual. Post-disaster capacity/resources and post-disaster environment influence the nature of adaptive resilience.