A proof-reading error from the Earthquake Recovery Minister's office has caused ructions at the Christchurch City Council today.
Spray-painted message on a fence reading "Stay clear wall unsafe".
A sign in Victoria Park reading, "Forsyth Barr Tower, Victoria Park assembly point".
A photograph of a customer reading a newspaper in the Samo Lyttelton cafe.
A poetry reading at Poetica and Gap Filler's "Instant Poetry" installation on Colombo Street.
A poetry reading at Poetica and Gap Filler's "Instant Poetry" installation on Colombo Street.
A sign on a lamppost in Brooklands, reading, "The government is stealing our land".
A poetry reading at Poetica and Gap Filler's "Instant Poetry" installation on Colombo Street.
A video of a woman performing a reading at Gap Filler's Poetica on Colombo Street.
A photograph of a paste-up of a digger, with a speech bubble reading, "Nom nom".
A photograph of a paste-up of a digger, with a speech bubble reading, "Nom nom".
A photograph of students from the Student Volunteer Army and Entré with a sign reading, 'Churchill Park'.
Signs on a house in Bexley reading "Ring Bell", "Yes we home" with names and telephone numbers.
A photograph of a woman reading poetry. She is standing in front of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A street sign on Meadow Street in Kaiapoi reading, 'No trucks, cars only'".
A sign at the demolition site of the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church reading, "Our building is gone, the Church is fine!".
A photograph of a sign, reading, "Extreme care, protected trees." The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Provincial Council Chambers".
A satirical sign for Tui Beer on the side of a bar in Sydenham reading, "Earthquake? We closed for renovations. Yeah right. Tui".
A photograph of a sign reading, "Please slow down, your speed is shaking our homes." The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Kaiapoi".
A photograph of a sign reading, "Please slow down, your speed is shaking our homes." The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Kaiapoi".
A photograph of a sign reading "Red zone. Bah humbug, we're staying". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cass Street, Kaiapoi".
A photograph of a sign reading, "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake".
A photograph of a sign reading, "Viewing, Kiwi - $2, tourist - $5." The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Kingsford Street, Horseshoe Lake, Burwood".
A photograph of a sign on a house reading, "Red zone, yeah right". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Featherston Avenue, Pines Beach".
A photograph of a sign on a door reading, "Hope, broken dreams and broken lives". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Seabreeze Close, Bexley".
A photograph of a sign reading "Please slow down, your speed is shaking our homes". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cass Street, Kaiapoi".
A photograph of a paste-up on a Colombo Street bus shelter. The paste-up shows a computer error message, reading, "Capitalism has crashed. Install new system?
A photograph of a sign reading, "Under offer to Gerry Brownlie/John Key, New Zealand Government". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Seabreeze Close, Bexley".
A graffiti paste-up of a digger on the side of a building in the central city. The artist has added a speech bubble reading, "Nom, nom".
A photograph of a paste-up on an earthquake-damaged brick wall. The paste-up depicts a bandaid with a speech bubble reading, "I'll kiss it better".