Decribes the new Re:Start village project in the Cashel Mall, which housing business previously located in Christchurch’s central city. Includes a directory of retailers, events, photographs, information about parking and access, and Christchurch central city news.
A PDF copy of pages 10-11 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Re:START'. Photos: John Suckling
An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 14 April 2013 entitled, "Restart Rhyme".
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 29 November 2013 entitled, "Roller Restart".
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers at Re:Start Mall.
A short video compilation showing the range of shops, food stalls, and buskers in Re:Start mall.
Animal sculpture made out of grass in Re:Start mall in Re:Start mall. This was one of the sculptures presented by the Christchurch Garden City Trust.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
Shoppers in the Re:Start mall.
Crowds at the Re:Start mall.
A video of people shopping on the opening day of Re:Start Mall. Re:Start Mall is a container mall set up in Cashel Street after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. It is made up of shipping-container shops, with the Ballantynes Department Store reopening as a retail anchor.
Flowers outside Ballantynes at Re:Start mall.
Decorative flowers pots in Re:Start mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start Mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start mall.
Decorative flowers pots in Re:Start mall.
Shoppers and sightseers in Re:Start mall.
People eating ice creams in Re:Start mall.
An infographic about the opening of Re:Start mall.
Shops made from shipping containers in Re:Start mall.
A video of Mayor Bob Parker and Prime Minister John Key speaking at the opening of Re:Start Mall which has been set up on Cashel Street after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Re:Start mall is made up of shipping-container shops, with the Ballantynes Department Store reopening as a retail anchor.
Students walking on campus during the progressive restart, University Drive.
A timeline for the opening of the Re:Start mall.
Students walking on campus during the progressive restart, University Drive.
A page banner promoting a feature about the Re:Start mall