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Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This paper explores the scope of small-scale radio to create an auditory geography of place. It focuses on the short term art radio project The Stadium Broadcast, which was staged in November 2014 in an earthquake-damaged sports stadium in Christchurch, New Zealand. Thousands of buildings and homes in Christchurch have been demolished since the Februrary 22, 2011 earthquake, and while Lancaster Park sports stadium is still standing, it has been unused since that date and its future remains uncertain. The Stadium Broadcast constructed a radio memorial to the Park’s 130 year history through archival recordings, the memories of local people, observation of its current state, and a performed site-specificity. The Stadium Broadcast reflected on the spatiality of radio sounds and transmissions, memory, post-disaster transitionality, and the im-permanence of place.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Liam takes a work trip to Christchurch. Iris gets a part-time job but before she can start she gets a call from the school about Billy's reaction to an earthquake drill.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Mindful Mover was born after the Christchurch earthquake, the anxiety and stress caused by the continuous rattling. From there it's grown to help young people dealing with bullying, troubles at home, and learning difficulties. 

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The woman who guided the Christchurch Art Gallery through the "earthquake years" is our guest today. Jenny Harper is retiring from the gallery in March and she shares her favourite books and things with Jesse.