An authority granted by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, providing the authority to carry out earthquake repair work that may affect archaeological sites within the Christchurch City area.
Damaged buildings on Manchester Street, looking south from the intersection with St Asaph Street.
Silt build-up in the Avon River. The photographer comments, "River Rd, Richmond, near Swanns Rd bridge".
The clock tower at the Arts Centre supported by steel and wooden bracing to prevent further damage.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Damage to the Country Theme shop on St Asaph Street. The upper storey of the building has collapsed.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Road cones mark off a large crack in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river.
Cordon fencing surrounds damaged buildings on Colombo Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Large cracks in Avonside Drive, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Swanns Rd bridge, Avonside".
Damage to the Music Centre of Christchurch. Leadlight windows are warped and broken, and bricks have fallen from the wall.
Damage to the Cranmer Centre. The brick facade has fallen from the upper storeys, crushing cordon fencing on the street below.
Damaged buildings on Manchester Street, the facades of which have fallen into the street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD".
A small tower on top of a roof in the Arts Centre. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Arts Centre".
People look through the cordon fencing on the Bridge of Remembrance. The Grand Chancellor can be seen through the arch of the bridge.
A small tower on top of a roof in the Arts Centre. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Arts Centre".
A small tower on top of a roof in the Arts Centre. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Arts Centre".
People look through the cordon fencing on the Bridge of Remembrance. The Grand Chancellor can be seen through the arch of the bridge.
Damage to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Extensive damage can be seen on the north-west and south-west corners of the building.
Damaged buildings on Colombo Street, the upper storeys of which have partially collapsed. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Colombo St".
Damage to the backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. St Asaph St".
Collapsed scaffolding beside the badly damaged Stone Chamber of the Provincial Council Buildings. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Provincial Chambers, Durham St".
The clock tower at the Arts Centre supported by steel and wooden bracing to prevent further damage. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Arts Centre".
A crane sits beside the badly damaged Cranmer Courts building. The corner tower has collapsed. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Cranmer Courts, Montreal St".
A crane sits beside the badly damaged Cranmer Courts building. The corner tower has collapsed. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Cranmer Courts, Montreal St".
Large cracks in the footpath in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. River Rd subsidence".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Brick cladding is badly cracked and buckled, and some bricks have fallen. The photographer comments, "Brick walls still clinging on".
Damage to the Provincial Council Buildings. The Stone Chamber has collapsed, and is behind cordon fencing. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Provincial Chambers, Durham St".
A woman on a bicycle stops to look through cordon fencing at the damaged Cranmer Centre. The brick facade has fallen from the upper storeys to the street below.
The collapsed corner tower of the badly damaged Cranmer Courts is cordoned off with fencing. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Cranmer Courts, Montreal St".