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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the keynote presentation by Alexander C. McFarlane during the third plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. McFarlane is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and the Heady of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies. The presentation is titled, "Holding onto the Lessons Disasters Teach".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Disasters are sentinel points in the life of the communities affected. They bring an unusual focus to community mental health. In so doing, they provide unique opportunities for better understanding and caring for communities. However, one of the difficulties in the disaster field is that many of the lessons from previous disasters are frequently lost. If anything, Norris (in 2006) identified that the quality of disaster research had declined over the previous 25 years. What is critical is that a longitudinal perspective is taken of representative cohorts. Equally, the impact of a disaster should always be judged against the background mental health of the communities affected, including emergency service personnel. Understandably, many of those who are particularly distressed in the aftermath of a disaster are people who have previously experienced a psychiatric disorder. It is important that disaster services are framed against knowledge of this background morbidity and have a broad range of expertise to deal with the emerging symptoms. Equally, it is critical that a long-term perspective is considered rather than short-term support that attempts to ameliorate distress. Future improvement of disaster management depends upon sustaining a body of expertise dealing with the consequences of other forms of traumatic stress such as accidents. This expertise can be redirected to co-ordinate and manage the impact of larger scale events when disasters strike communities. This presentation will highlight the relevance of these issues to the disaster planning in a country such as New Zealand that is prone to earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 6th April. This week... we look at the commercial deals some media personalities are making these days, a documentary on the history of New Zealand's psychiatric hospitals, a new social phenomenon - the increasing number of people who choose to live alone, a new book and interesting findings about our national icon the kiwi, With the aid of advanced functional MRI scanners, scientists are getting closer to being able to read your mind, the opening of a public art project by the Christchurch Art Gallery to try and ensure art continues to have a presence in the earthquake hit city.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An entry from Maxine Bennett's blog, "Blackbird Has Spoken: Having a go at this blogging lark" ( The entry for 12 February 2013 is titled "Of sorrow and salvage. Op-Shop Show-Off Feb 12th 2013". Maxine writes, "I’m Max, an English girl in, and in love with New Zealand, and the New Zealander husband. In an almost forgotten previous life I worked as a psychotherapist and psychiatric nurse; now I’m the contented stay at home mother of Claudine who's almost 3, and the baby-boy-currently-gestating. We live a quiet life in a small rural town in our arts and crafts house, but dream of moving out to some land one day, to build our own home and enjoy a long view. I like to laugh, be outside, craft, grow, op-shop, read and cook. My little Kiwi family, learning new things, quiet, beauty and reading blogs make me the happiest of all. My blog is a record of my enthusiasms, fleeting and enduring, and a means of communication with you kindred spirits near and far." Note that the blog post has been converted to PDF format for archiving, which may have resulted in changes to the formatting and layout of the page.