Alien beastie boys poster on the rubble of Intercity Coachlines.
An electronic copy of a poster outlining One Voice Te Reo Kotahi's kaupapa.
A photograph of a poster advertising a Rally for Democracy.
A photograph of a poster advertising a Rally for Democracy.
A photograph of posters advertising The Flying Cup mobile cafe, a Gap Filler project.
A photograph of a shop window plastered with posters advertising the Rally for the Cathedral.
A photograph of a shop window plastered with posters advertising the Rally for the Cathedral.
A photograph of a shop window plastered with posters advertising the Rally for the Cathedral.
A photograph of a shop window plastered with posters advertising the Rally for the Cathedral.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A Festival of Flowers poster in the Botanic Gardens".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A Festival of Flowers poster in the Botanic Gardens".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A Festival of Flowers poster in the Botanic Gardens".
A photograph submitted by Andy Palmer to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Buildings and poster plinth on Colombo St. 26 Feb 2012.".
A PDF copy of the FESTA 2012 programme. The programme includes a site map of FESTA events and projects, and key information about each one. It is designed to fold out into a poster.
A poster in Kaiapoi showing the estimated timeframe for, and location of, likely residential land developments in Kaiapoi, the wider Waimakariri District and in the rural residential areas, based on major planning and subdivision applications with the Waimakariri Council as at February 2012.