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Audio, Radio New Zealand

More than 11,000 people reported feeling the earthquake that hit just after 2am on Friday. The magnitude 4.8 quake was centred 5-kilometres south of Te Aroha, at a depth of 6-kilometres. People from Kaitaia, through to the sodden regions of Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, and even down in Christchurch, reported feeling it. A series of weaker aftershocks began to strike 40 minutes later, although there are no immediate reports of damage as of yet. It's not the first quake to hit Te Aroha this year - a 5.1 quake rattled the town on January 4. Te Kuiti resident Zane Burdett and Kees Meinderts from Motumaoho, just south of Morrinsville, spoke to Corin Dann.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Thousands of people are making insurance claims after heavy rain and flooding in the north of New Zealand, especially in Auckland. Insurance lawyer Peter Woods has worked on property claims for earthquake damage in Canterbury and Marlborough.. He has also been an Independent Specialist Adviser to the government. Peter talks to Lisa Owen.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A complaint against an engineer whose firm designed the CTV building that collapsed in the Christchurch earthquake will be heard by a disciplinary committee on Monday. One-hundred-and-fifteen people were killed when the six-storey building came down in February 2011. Dr Alan Reay lost a High Court bid to stop the hearing. Reporter Anna Sargent spoke to Corin Dann.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The government is crowdsourcing the cyclone recovery bill. It has launched an international fundraising effort, modelled on the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - which raised almost $100 million. A separate special Lotto draw will also be held on March 18 with all proceeds going to affected communities. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has urged New Zealanders to get behind the effort. He defended asking people to chip in when the cost-of-living is so high.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Protecting live music venues is taking on a new urgency in Christchurch, with the popular 12 Bar announcing it will close at the end of the month. With people flocking back to live in the central city after the earthquakes, there have been more complaints about noise from entertainment venues. But the local music scene says positive changes are in the works, so residents and live venues can live in harmony. Niva Chittock reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A business owner wants more stringent background checks for people creating professional online profiles after discovering a potential business advisor is currently on home detention for corruption. Gerard Gallagher was convicted in June after trying to personally profit from information obtained while working for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and Ōtākaro Limited between 2014 and 2017. Online, he promotes himself as a Business Advisor despite still serving a sentence of 12 months' home detention. Niva Chittock reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canterbury got a big shock this morning with a long and strong earthquake that sent people running for the nearest door frame. While the region seems to have escaped any major damage, it's left locals thankful it wasn't worse. The quake measured 6.0 on the richter scale and was centred 45 kilometes north of Geraldine. Since then, there have been more than 40 aftershocks. Checkpoint producer Anastasia Hedge has been near the epicentre.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Twelve years after the CTV building collapsed during the Christchurch earthquake, families of the victims killed inside have told an engineering disciplinary hearing they want justice and accountability. 115 people died when the six-storey building came down in February 2011. A complaint against an engineer whose firm designed the building is being heard by an Engineering New Zealand disciplinary committee. Dr Alan Reay lost a High Court bid to stop the hearing. Anna Sargent reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

After being trapped for hours on the 22nd floor of a hotel following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, Andy Cleverley decided life had to change. Chucking in his corporate life, he bought an old school bus, converted it into an off-grid motorhome and set off travelling the country with his young family. Documenting everything along the way he created Bus Life NZ - followed by over 46,000 people and viewed by millions. Now he's done it all again with a second bus and a second YouTube season.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The families of the victims of the CTV building collapse in Christchurch have told an engineering disciplinary hearing they've been waiting 12 years for accountability. The building collapsed in the February 2011 earthquake killing 115 people. It was designed by Dr Alan Reay's firm - Reay was criticised by the Earthquake Royal Commission for handing sole responsibility of it to an inexperienced employee. Reay has tried to stop the disciplinary process going ahead but it got underway in Christchurch today. Reporter Anna Sargent spoke to Charlotte Cook.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A magnitude six earthquake which struck in Canterbury just before quarter-past-nine Wednesday morning has left some nearby residents feeling a bit shaken. The quake, which struck 45 kilometres north of Geraldine at a depth of ten kilometres, was located in the Southern Alps, away from populated areas. It was widely felt in Geraldine, Timaru and Temuka - though there are no reports of serious damage or injury. Timaru District Council says it's closing a stadium and other facilities for assessment. Two people who experienced the quake, Janene Adams who's deputy chair of the Geraldine Community Board, and from further north, and the operator of the Mount Somers Holiday Park, Maureen Meanwell, spoke with Charlotte Cook