Aftermath of Sept 4th Earthquake
Now demolished.
Columbo St Sydenham. Would not have like to been in there!
Aftermath of Sept 4th Earthquake
Christchurch Earthquake 4th Sept 2010
Damage from Christchurch 4th September Earthquake. Really lucky no one was there because it was 4:35am.
Prince William touches the people of Sumner.
After the earthquake.
Shop at the base of Manchester Courts
Churchill Tavern in Sydenham has extensive damage.
Christchurch Earthquake 4th Sept 2010
Christchurch Earthquake 4th Sept 2010
Building had deteriorated significantly. And now it has been demolished
Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake
Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake
Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake
Water front car park shattered by the earthquake. Was a very solid piece of tarmac.
Very sad - was a nice looking building. This is near the top of the building and there is signs of the top being displaced horizontally.
Very sad - was a nice looking building. These cracks are right through the bricks on several of the main columns.
Christchurch Sept 4th Earthquake. 10-15 minutes after main quake (went up the hill incase).
I used to get lunch at the cafe "Next Best" here. Glad the earthquake did not strike at lunch time!