A paint-splattered chair sits in front of a brightly-coloured piano painted with a cat's face, part of Gap Filler's Painted Piano Project. The photographer comments, "Gap filler I believe has created three sites filled with a stage area, seating and a piano. This one is at the Junction of Bower Ave and Marine Parade on the site of the demolished TJs Kazbah and opposite the now demolished Ozone. They have really brightened the corner up and we just need a few people to gather and have a nice night of it".
Spray painted codes on the footpath.
Spray painted markings on a brick wall.
Search and Rescue codes spray painted on the footpath.
Search and Rescue codes spray painted on the footpath.
The words "Hazard above" spray painted on the footpath.
A photograph of a child painting a bookshelf during the 'Words of Hope' event. An assortment of furniture has been painted white, and the public invited to spray-paint messages onto the pieces.
Do not demo" spray-painted on the wall of a building.
Spray paint on the footpath to mark out the uneven surface.
A gate taped off with the words "No Go" spray painted on it.
Spray painted marks on the footpath outside the Casino indicating cracks and uneven surfaces.
The word "red" has been spray painted across a brick wall that has been mostly demolished.
Houses on Armagh Street that have been cordoned off. On the fence are USAR spray painted markings.
An apartment complex that has been taped off. The words "Stay Clear" have been spray painted on a fence.
A house with wooden bracing supporting the front wall. On the fence are tape and spray painted USAR codes.
A photograph of the entrance to 100 Bealey Avenue. USAR codes have been spray painted on one of the walls.
A photograph of 214 Peterborough Street. The windows and doors have been boarded up and USAR codes have been spray-painted on the wood.
Looking over the Avon River to the Liquidity Bar and Restaurant. On the walls are spray painted markings left by USAR after it was checked.
Looking over the Avon River to the Liquidity Bar and Restaurant. On the walls are spray painted markings left by USAR after it was checked.
A photograph of a painted sign on 448 Colombo Street, exposed after the brick wall which covered it was damaged by an earthquake.
A photograph of a painted sign on 448 Colombo Street, exposed after the brick wall which covered it was damaged by an earthquake.
The Library Chambers behind cordon fencing. The entrance has been sprayed painted after it was checked by a USAR team following the February earthquake.
A photograph of a painted sign on 448 Colombo Street, exposed after the brick wall which covered it was damaged by an earthquake.
A photograph of a painted sign on 448 Colombo Street, exposed after the brick wall which covered it was damaged by an earthquake.
A photograph of 216 Peterborough Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the wall and there are red sticker notices on the front door.
Damage to a house, where a section of corrgated tiles from the roof has crumbled. On the fence are tape and spray painted USAR codes.
A photograph of a painted sign on the Excelsior Hotel , exposed after the brick wall which covered it was damaged by an earthquake.
A photograph of the front door of the Canterbury Club Building on Cambridge Terrace. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the glass.
Santorini Greek Ouzeri Restaurant & Bar. Near the side entrance are some spray painted markings left by USAR after it had been checked after the 22 February earthquake.
The Talon Arms building on Worcester Street has been boarded up. Spray-painted on the boards are USAR markings, and the words, "Guns gone. Do not demolish".