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Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

People aged 65 years and older are the fastest growing age group in New Zealand. By the mid-2070s, there are predictions that this age group is likely to comprise approximately one third of the population. Older people are encouraged to stay in their own homes within their community for as long as possible with support to encourage the extension of ageing in place. Currently around 14% of those aged 75 years or older, make the move into retirement villages. This is expected to increase. Little is known by retirement villages about the wellbeing and health of those who decide to live independently in these facilities. Predicting the need for a continuum of care is challenging. This research measured the wellbeing and health of older adults. It was situated in a critical realist paradigm, overlaid with an empathetic axiology. A focused literature review considered the impact on wellbeing from the aspects of living place, age, gender, health status and the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Longitudinal studies used the Enlightenment Scale and the interRAI Community Health Assessment (CHA) to measure the wellbeing and health of one group of residents (n=120) living independently in one retirement village in Canterbury, New Zealand. The research was extended to incorporate two cross-section studies when initial results for wellbeing were found to be higher than anticipated. These additional studies included participants living independently from other retirement villages (n=115) and those living independently within the community (n=354). A total of 589 participants, aged 65 – 97 years old, completed the Enlightenment Scale across the four studies. Across the living places, wellbeing continued to significantly improve with age. The Enlightenment Scale was a useful measure of wellbeing with older adults. Participants in the longitudinal studies largely maintained a relatively good health status, showing little change over the study period of 15 months. Predictions for the need for a move to supportive care were not able to be made using the CHA. The health status of participants did not influence their level of wellbeing. The key finding of note is that the wellbeing score of older adults increases by 1.27 points per year, using the Enlightenment Scale, irrespective of where they live.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

A few older Christchurch Earthquake Pics from after the 6.3 last Feb (2011). And yes the aftershocks are still happening.. Twitter | Facebook |

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Martin family of Shirley/Dallington who have been accused by police and the mayor of ripping off the system when people who really need the services should have been getting the support. Lala Martin with two of her six children. From left: eight-month old Kohine (a twin) and three year old Haokitaha".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Martin family of Shirley/Dallington who has been accused by Police and the Mayor of ripping off the system when people who really need the service should have been getting the support. Lala Martin with two of her 6 children that live with her in her property, left eight-month old Kohine, a twin and three-year old Haokitaha".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by David Meates, Chief Executive of the Christchurch District Health Board and the West Coast District Health Board, during the first plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Local System Perspective".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: The devastating Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 have resulted in challenges for the people of Canterbury and have altered the population's health needs. In the wake of New Zealand's largest natural disaster, the health system needed to respond rapidly to changing needs and damaged infrastructure in the short-term in the context of developing sustainable long-term solutions. Canterbury was undergoing system transformation prior to the quakes, however the horizon of transformation was brought forward post-quake: 'Vision 2020' became the vision for now. Innovation was enabled as people working across the system addressed new constraints such as the loss of 106 acute hospital beds, 635 aged residential care beds, the loss of general practices and pharmacies as well as damaged non-government organisation sector. A number of new integration initiatives (e.g. a shared electronic health record system, community rehabilitation for older people, community falls prevention) and expansion of existing programs (e.g. acute demand management) were focused on supporting people to stay well in their homes and communities. The system working together in an integrated way has resulted in significant reductions in acute health service utilisation in Canterbury. Acute admission rates have not increased and remain significantly below national rates and the number of acute and rehabilitation bed days have fallen since the quakes, with these trends most evident among older people. However, health needs frequently reported in post-disaster literature have created greater pressures on the system. In particular, an escalating number of people facing mental health problems and coping with acute needs of the migrant rebuild population provide new challenges for a workforce also affected by the quakes. The recovery journey for Canterbury is not over.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A proposed design by John Raven for a new cathedral, tied to a cordon fence. Clarendon Tower can be seen in the background. The photographer comments, "Someone is asking for designs for a new Christchurch Cathedral after it was announced that the old historical building will not be repaired, to be put on the fences through which people can see the de-construction of the old one. This design looks a great one to me".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Demolition of the old Millers building is just about complemented. On my walk around the city in the rain.. thought it may have stopped.. but didn't so I just kept walking! June 12, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A scheme called Crack'd for Christchurch wants to make a beautiful memorial out of the fine china broken in the earthquake. Jenny Cooper is one of a group of people who plan to create an inner-city mosaic that is an art work in its own right, but also acts as a memorial to old Christchurch.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Manchester Courts, a seven-storey building on the corner of Hereford and Manchester Streets, is a category one historic place built in 1905-1906 that up until the 7.1 earthquake, housed offices. News of the scheduled demolition provoked an emotional response from the people of Christchurch. UPDATE 14 October 2010: A group of residents is campaig...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Manchester Courts, a seven-storey building on the corner of Hereford and Manchester Streets, is a category one historic place built in 1905-1906 that up until the 7.1 earthquake, housed offices. News of the scheduled demolition provoked an emotional response from the people of Christchurch. UPDATE 14 October 2010: A group of residents is campaig...

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The old Ngaio Marsh theatre at the University of Canterbury was one of the many casualties of the earthquakes.The Student Association is encouraging people who performed on stage or helped out behind the scenes to buy a seat for the replacement Ngaio Marsh Theatre. Lynn Freeman talks with the UCSA president Sam Brosnahan about the project.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new council report into Wellington's resilience has found the city's economy would take a $37 billion hit if it experienced an event like the Christchurch earthquake. Old people stand accused of displacing more than 40,000 teenagers from jobs over the past five years, as more of them choose to stay in the workforce and employers choose experience over youth.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Two people examine damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. The near wall is leaning at an alarming angle. I didn't like walking past it".

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This thesis examines the opportunities for young citizens in Christchurch to be engaged in city planning post-disaster. This qualitative study was conducted eight years after the 2010-2011 earthquakes and employed interviews with 18 young people aged between 12-24 years old, 14 of whom were already actively engaged in volunteering or participating in a youth council. It finds that despite having sought out opportunities for youth leadership and advocacy roles post-disaster, young people report frustration that they are excluded from decision-making and public life. These feelings of exclusion were described by young people as political, physical and social. Young people felt politically excluded from decision-making in the city, with some youth reporting that they did not feel listened to by decision-makers or able to make a difference. Physical exclusion was also experienced by the young people I interviewed, who reported that they felt excluded from their city and neighbourhood. This ranged from feeling unwelcome in certain parts of the city due to perceived social stratification, to actual exclusion from newly privatised areas in a post-quake recovery city. Social exclusion was reported by young people in the study in regard to their sense of marginalisation from the wider community, due to structural and social barriers. Among these, they observed a sense of prejudice towards them and other youth due to their age, class and/or ethnicity. The barriers to their participation and inclusion, and their aspirations for Christchurch post-disaster are discussed, as well as the implications of exclusion for young people’s wellbeing and sense of belonging. Results of this study contribute to the literature that challenges the sole focus on children and young peoples’ vulnerability post-disaster, reinforcing their capacity and desire to contribute to the recovery of their city and community (Peek, 2008). This research also challenges the narrative that young people are politically apathetic (Norris, 2004; Nissen, 2017), and adds to our understandings of the way that disasters can concentrate power amongst certain groups, in this case excluding young people generally from decision-making and public life. I conclude with some recommendations for a more robust post-disaster recovery in Christchurch, in ways that are more inclusive of young people and supportive of their wellbeing.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The earthquake re-pair work has started on the Knox Church on Bealey Avenue, August 14, 2013 Christchurch New Zealand. While building after building is torn down in Christchurch, plans are in place to ensure as much of a 131-year-old church is retained as possible. Knox Church on Bealey Avenue suffered major damage in the February 22 earthquak...

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows a furious man with a banner that says 'Orange'. Context: The frustration experienced by Christchurch people whose houses are still in the 'orange' zone which means a decision has yet to be made about whether their house is considered safe. If considered safe it will be deemed 'green' or not, in which case it will become 'red' and the people will have to move. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows the lid of a sewer that has been dislodged allowing cockroaches labelled 'looter' to crawl out. Context - The very severe Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011 in which probably more than 200 people died and an enormous amount of structural damage has been done. There are inevitably people taking advantage of the fact that there are many abandoned homes which offer rich pickings. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows rain falling over two gondolas of people floating past flooded Christchurch damaged houses. One person points to people in balaclavas climbing over the houses and calls out 'And look...the wildlife's returning!'. Context: Heavy rain and flooding hit Christchurch suburbs, including earthquake damaged homes (Newstalk website 14 August 2012). At the same time, wildlife (possums and rare birds) are moving into abandoned suburbs (Stuff 13 August 2012) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A woman says to a builder 'Christchurch people will really appreciate your help to rebuild - What you construct looks like it's already been hit by an earthquake'. They are standing in front of a very shoddily-built cottage and the garden is festooned with litter. Context - After the Christchurch earthquakes there is a huge emphasis on fast rebuilding with the potential for below standard results.. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A large group of people stand on a huge sundial in a pattern that forms a map of New Zealand; the hand of the sundial casts a shadow that falls on nine minutes to one. Context - the people of New Zealand maintained a vigil of two minutes silence at 12.51 on 1 March which was exactly a week after the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February struck. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).