A study by the Department of Labour shows 24,000 extra workers will be needed to complete the rebuild of Christchurch. The workers to be housed at Burnham or on a ship in Lyttelton, there are so many advantages to this scheme that the man in the cartoon decides it cannot possibly work. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
The cost of building a home in New Zealand's main cities has risen by 20 per cent since the Canterbury earthquakes.
A video of an interview with Anne Mackenzie, structural engineer at Build Green Ltd, about her work to retrieve items from The Suit Doctor and Smith's Bookshop on Manchester Street.
The former Christchurch East Labour Party MP, Lianne Dalziel, is now the Mayor of Christchurch and, as such, is set to work much more closely with her former political foe, Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee.
Kathmandu has announced plans to build its new national distribution centre in the Christchurch suburb of Woolston, in a vote of confidence for the earthquake-damaged city.
The Christchurch City Council and the Earthquake Commission are devising a wholesale solution to the city's flood protection.
A Christchurch man who's made his name battling the Earthquake Commission says he has secured a forty-five-million-dollar joint venture with a Chinese company that will regenerate Christchurch's residential areas.
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
On a walk over to Hagley Park to great some shots of the wonderful Cherry Blossom I past by the Knox Church rebuild and found that the scaffolding has come down at last. It sure was shinning in the midday light. Victoria Street September 12, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
Imagine, if you will, that you were born in 1870. Your parents are colonists who journeyed to Christchurch to build a new life for themselves and their family. They’re not rich, but you live comfortably enough in this new country. … Continue reading →
Marian Johnson has spent years helping build businesses out of the rubble following Christchurch's earthquakes as Chief Executive of the Ministry of Awesome.
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
A crane topples over on Victoria Street while taking glass up to some windows. No one was hurt and the glass never broke. Victoria Street was closed from 7:30am to later in the evening. This all happen on the Knox Plaza building site. Christchurch October 13, 2014 New Zealand.
A video of architect Shigeru Ban overseeing the construction of the cardboard beams which will be used to build the Transitional Cathedral on Hereford Street. The video includes an interview with Ban about the beams, and the ways that the design has changed since the construction started.
A video of an interview with Zac Cassels, the co-owner of the Cassels & Sons Brewery bar, about the preparations for the bar's opening. The bar is to open in a historic building on Madras Street, despite CERA's plans to demolish the building and build a stadium.
The cartoon shows an enormous ball of red tape and all around frustrated workers carry away their ladders and tools. Context - Three months after a quake that scored a direct hit under Christchurch, many residents are struggling with mountains of paperwork required to get their homes repaired and rebuilt. Reference numbers, codes and Pin numbers permeate our daily living now as we deal with the aftermath of two major earthquakes in six months. People feel they are lucky that they have the EQC pot to draw on, but there are a lot of complexities, anomalies and frustrations. (BBC News 21 May 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
The Christchurch City Council is looking to Scandinavia for help with the earthquake re-build. Two Danish based urban design experts are working with the Council over the next four weeks to develop a draft plan for rebuilding the central city.
A video of an interview with landscape architect Di Lucas, about her vision for the Christchurch rebuild. Lucas talks about the need to build light buildings by using light materials such as timber. The video is part of The Press's 'Christchurch, one year after February 22, 2011' series.
A man labeled `rate payers' lifts an elephant labeled `convention centre' high over his head. Refers to recent calls for tenders from groups to build a new convention centre in Christchurch. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The debt stricken state-owned enterprise Solid energy is in crisis talks with the Treasury and its banks, two years after the Christchurch earthquakes, insurance companies are blamed for delays in the rebuild, and in dateline pacific Papua New Guinea is building up its military to build roads.
The cartoon shows a scene of rubble in central Christchurch, a workman appears to have fallen down a deep hole whilst another workman says to a man in a suit 'Your land's safe to re-build on...Geo-Tech are just finishing their in-depth report!'. Context: Refers to sceptism about rebuilding central Christchurch after earthquake damage in 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A contractor with a roller stands in an enormous hole, and shouts up to a family standing at the top that it's now ready to be built on. Refers to efforts to compact soil in Christchurch to prevent further liquefaction following the Canterbury earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A property developer says he rejected an approach from a company who went on to build a substandard multistorey building in Christchurch's central mall. The building at 230 High Street is in limbo, having finally been ruled substandard with numerous design weaknesses that are an earthquake risk. Phil Pennington reports.
A man gets a phonecall from the Earthquake Commission (EQC) informing him that he can 'remediate and build here again!' The call comes just as another aftershock happens causing the family and pets to huddle in a terrified crowd as the house collapses around them and they find themselves waist-deep in mud and water. Refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September and its continuing aftershocks as well as the problems surrounding rebuilding. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The Temple for Christchurch is an enormous work, representing the seismic wave of the February 22 earthquake. Made mostly from salvaged wood it's taken a team of volunteers two years to build. But it will meet a fiery end on Saturday night when it is deliberately set alight. Justin Gregory meets the designer and his volunteers with two weeks left until burn day. But when he gets there, none are to be found.
Text at top left reads 'Daft things our forefathers did The cartoon shows several nineteenth century gentlemen observing 'volcanic cones', a 'swamp' and 'faultlines underneath' and deciding to build a city. Context - Specifically the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 but generally the way many New Zealand cities are built on or near volcanoes, faultlines and swamps. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).