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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A residential street in New Brighton. Liquefaction still lines the street, and lampposts are leaning in different directions. The photographer comments, "This is the New Brighton red zone, which is parallel to the Avon River. The area suffered serious liquefaction during the numerous earthquakes/aftershocks and the land is being bought by the government. Although the houses do not look too bad in the background they have suffered badly. On the day I took this picture the council had just hours before cut the grass, which made the area look less abandoned".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of Latimer Square. The photographer comments, "It is so nice to stand in the middle of Latimer Square on a bright Winter's day and forget the havoc that is around you. The square has hardly been touched by the Christchurch earthquake, but it is surrounded by demolished and damaged buildings".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An earthquake-damaged bridge, the approach to which has slumped. The photographer comments, "Due to lateral spread and the land slumping the road leading to this bridge has moved down greatly. Just imagine making the street lamps upright and how much that section of road would rise up at the end. When you go over bridges in the east side of Christchurch it is quite a climb up and a big drop down on the other side. The bridges in most cases coped very well, but not so the land leading to them".