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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

The name Omeka for the Justice Precinct comes from the Biblical omega. Dating back to the prophecy of Ratana early last century, it is testimony to Ngāi Tahu’s faith that their claims for justice would be settled.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video clip by Anglican Advocacy (previously Anglican Social Justice Unit) for Social Services Sunday 2011 (Sunday 24 July). "The success of disaster recovery is whether the vulnerable are better or worse off as a result."

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 generated hundreds of thousands of insurance claims, many of which were disputed. The New Zealand justice system faced the same challenge encountered by other jurisdictions following a natural disaster: how to resolve these disputes quickly and at minimal cost but also fairly, to avoid compounding the disaster with injustice? The thesis is of this article is that although the earthquakes were catastrophic for New Zealand, they also created a unique opportunity to design an innovative civil justice process—the Christchurch High Court Earthquake List—and to test, over a relatively short timeframe, how well that process works. This article describes the Christchurch High Court Earthquake List and analyses it by reference to civil justice theory about the relative normative values of public adjudication and private settlement and the dialogic relationship between them. It then evaluates the List, using statistics available five years on from the earthquakes and by reference to the author’s own experience mediating earthquake disputes.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a proposal prepared by Anglican Advocacy (formerly the Anglican Life Social Justice Unit) and Te Whare Roimata to MBIE and CERA in 2012. The report outlines how social housing could look in Christchurch's Inner City East following the Christchurch earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The families of those who died in the CTV building's collapse during the Christchurch Earthquake in February of 2011 are vowing to continue their Fight For Justice after The Independent Police Conduct Authority rejected their complaint about the Police Investigation . The Police decided 3 years ago not to lay charges against the building's designer. Yesterday the families announced that the IPCA, the body that advised the Police, had told them that it had no jurisdiction over Crown Law. Families spokesperson, Maan Alkaisi, told reporter Conan Young that they will continue to push for somebody to be held to account. He wants a retired judge to take another look at the decision not to prosecute.