A photograph of earthquake damage to a road in Christchurch. A hole has been filled with gravel, and a road cone placed on top. In the background, cracks and liquefaction can be seen.
A damaged road surface filled in with gravel. In the background is a cemetery.
Children playing on a pile of gravel in a residential area following the September earthquake.
A photograph of piles of gravel and building rubble behind a cleared site on Barbadoes Street.
Road works on Lineside Road, outside Kaiapoi, near the intersection with Revells Road. Large cracks in the road have been partially filled with gravel.
Avonside Drive, looking up Rodson Avenue. A pile of gravel can be seen, as well as road cones, Port-a-loos and fencing.
Cars slow for road works on Lineside Road, outside Kaiapoi, near the intersection with Revells Road. A truck is dumping gravel to fill cracks in the road surface.
A truck laying gravel on the corner of Avonside Drive and Retreat Road, with road cones and "Road Closed" sign, after the September 4th earthquake.
A pile of gravel in Avonside used to fill up the gaps created by seismic activity and liquefaction. The cracks in this curb side have not been filled yet.