Building Record Form for the former City Council Civic Offices, 194 - 196 Manchester Street
A photograph of the Christchurch City Council civic offices on Tuam Street.
A photograph of the partially-demolished former City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of the badly-damaged former Christchurch Civic Offices on Tuam Street. The building has been fenced off and many windows have been broken.
A colour photograph of the interior of the former City Council Offices, showing the extensive damage.
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Former Civic Offices, 194/198 Manchester Street, 1900-2011'.
A photograph of building rubble from the partially-demolished former City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The former City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street".
A colour photograph of the east frontage of the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street, which appears to have been taken before the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A colour photograph showing damage to the former City Council Civic Offices following the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a marble plaque on the outside wall of the City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street. The plaque lists the former Mayors and Chairmen of Christchurch.
A photograph of a marble plaque on the outside wall of the City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street. The plaque lists the former Mayors and Chairmen of Christchurch.
A photograph of a marble plaque on the outside wall of the City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street. The plaque lists the former Mayors and Chairmen of Christchurch.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A written history of 194-196 Manchester Street, the former City Council Civic Offices.
A photograph of a pile of rubble from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of rubble from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of bricks from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of bricks from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The former City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street".
A photograph of a marble plaque on the wall of the partially-demolished City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street. The plaque lists the former Mayors and Chairmen of Christchurch. The bottom of the plaque has been covered by rubble.
A photograph of the stained glass skylight in the former City Council Civic Offices building on Manchester Street.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.