
found 7 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Two aluminium drink cans which have split open. The photographer comments, "We had around 24 cans of diet coke in the top of the fridge when the devastating 6.1 earthquake hit Christchurch in New Zealand. The shaking caused one of the front feet of the fridge to fold, which made the fridge tip forward and causing the door to open. After all the shaking the cans had already when they flew out and hit the ground a lot of them exploded. These two cans show the explosive pressure that occurred best".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Foam hearts with uplifting messages pegged to the fence surrounding Knox Presbyterian Church. The heart on the left reads, "We're all in this together. Christchurch, we love you! Xx". The heart on the right reads, "'We can do no great things; only small things with great love.' Mother Teresa

Images, Canterbury Museum

An aero-modelling quadricopter device used by Opus International Consultants to assess the structural integrity of the interior of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch. The drone is comprised of a central hull with high definition video recording capability surrounded by four circles of grey foam, each containing a smaller black ...