A video montage of Canterbury Tales, a carnivalesque procession through the central city, led by Free Theatre Christchurch. The film depicts the construction and set up, through to the main public events. It also includes interviews with Peter Faulkenberg (Canterbury Tales and Free Theatre Christchurch Artistic Director) and George Parker (Canterbury Tales and Free Theatre Christchurch Producer).
A copy of the program for the screenings of Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces'. The films are a creative response to the earthquakes in Christchurch and were shown as part of the Christchurch Body Festival 2014.
A copy of the poster used to advertise screenings of Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces'. The films are a creative response to the earthquakes in Christchurch and were shown as part of the Christchurch Body Festival 2014.
A video of interpretive dances filmed at various locations in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, featuring Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey.
A trailer video for Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces', which was screened as part of the Body Festival 2014.
A photograph of members of the public examining Crack'd for Christchurch's armchair mosaic. The armchair and ottoman artworks have just been unveiled during the launch of the Green Room garden on Colombo Street. In the foreground are several members of Crack'd for Christchurch. A camera operator from One News is also filming the event.
A photograph of a TVNZ camera operator filming the members of Crack'd for Christchurch during the launch of the Green Room garden. The members have gathered around their armchair and ottoman artwork. The armchair and ottoman are covered in white sheets and tied with a blue bow. They will be unveiled for the first time during the launch.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The whole team together."
A photograph of Sarah Campagnolo, Project Co-ordinator for Greening the Rubble, speaking at the opening of the Green Room garden. In the background, members of Crack'd for Christchurch have gathered around their armchair and ottoman artworks. The artworks are wrapped in white sheets and tied with a bow. They will be unveiled for the first time during the launch. To the right, a camera operator from One News is filming the speech.