QuakeStory 557
Articles, UC QuakeStudies
A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 10 February 2012 entitled, "Thinking about February 22....".
Utility managers are always looking for appropriate tools to estimate seismic damage in wastewater networks located in earthquake prone areas. Fragility curves, as an appropriate tool, are recommended for seismic vulnerability analysis of buried pipelines, including pressurised and unpressurised networks. Fragility curves are developed in pressurised networks mainly for water networks. Fragility curves are also recommended for seismic analysis in unpressurised networks. Applying fragility curves in unpressurised networks affects accuracy of seismic damage estimation. This study shows limitations of these curves in unpressurised networks. Multiple case study analysis was applied to demonstrate the limitations of the application of fragility curves in unpressurised networks in New Zealand. Four wastewater networks within New Zealand were selected as case studies and various fragility curves used for seismic damage estimation. Observed damage in unpressurised networks after the 2007 earthquake in Gisborne and the 2010 earthquake in Christchurch demonstrate the appropriateness of the applied fragility curves to New Zealand wastewater networks. This study shows that the application of fragility curves, which are developed from pressurised networks, cannot be accurately used for seismic damage assessment in unpressurised wastewater networks. This study demonstrated the effects of different parameters on seismic damage vulnerability of unpressurised networks.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 8 June 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 23 March 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 28 September 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 6 July 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 2 November 2012
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 14 September 2012
Transcript of Mark Darbyshire's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Summary of oral history interview with Janelle Mackie about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A story submitted by Jo Nicholls-Parker and Petra Van Asten to the QuakeStories website.
Transcript of Jan Dobson's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.