A plan which outlines how to manage the environmental impacts that result from SCIRT works. The first version of this plan was produced on 20 July 2011.
A video about the Environmental Health Officers testing environmental and occupational health issues in the Christchurch red zone after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A document which provides simple, easy to understand environmental advice and guidance for civil construction contractors.
A document describing Downer's approach to containing bentonite when drilling micro piles for the new Arch foundations.
Environmental Health Officers outside the Christchurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square.
Environmental Health Officers collecting air readings in the Christchurch central city.
An Environmental Health Officer collecting air readings in the Christchurch central city.
An Environmental Health Officer collecting air readings in the Christchurch central city.
An Environmental Health Officer taking a reading outside the Christchurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square.
An Environmental Health Officer taking a reading outside the Christchurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square.
The Environmental Health Offices testing in the Christchurch central city, photographed outside the damaged Stonehurst Backpackers.
An Environmental Health Officer collecting air readings on Gloucester Street, in the Christchurch central city.
An Environmental Health Officer collecting air readings on Gloucester Street, in the Christchurch central city.
The Environmental Health Offices testing in the Christchurch central city, photographed outside the damaged Stonehurst Backpackers.
Environmental Health Officers collecting air readings outside Map World, on the corner of Manchester and Gloucester Streets.
A member of the New Zealand Defence Force's Communications Group, speaking to an Environmental Health Officer on Gloucester Street.
A document describing Downer's use of column seismic clamps to prevent additional damage to the Arch columns.
Environmental Health Offices from the Royal New Zealand Air Force taping filters to their high-visibility vests. The filters collect dust and fibres from the air, which will then be tested for health risks.
Environmental Health Offices from the Royal New Zealand Air Force taping filters to their high-visibility vests. The filters collect dust and fibres from the air, which will then be tested for health risks.
A document describing Downer's planned approach for neutralising the high pH of any potential bentonite or grout discharge into the Avon river.
A video about the New Zealand Army testing the quality of water across Christchurch. After the 4 September 2010 earthquake, the NZ Army developed ties with the Canterbury District Health Board. This relationship continued after the 22 February 2011 earthquake with the NZ Army taking on the role of examining Christchurch's water quality.
The research presented in this thesis investigated the environmental impacts of structural design decisions across the life of buildings located in seismic regions. In particular, the impacts of expected earthquake damage were incorporated into a traditional life cycle assessment (LCA) using a probabilistic method, and links between sustainable and resilient design were established for a range of case-study buildings designed for different seismic performance objectives. These links were quantified using a metric herein referred to as the seismic carbon risk, which represents the expected environmental impacts and resource use indicators associated with earthquake damage during buildings’ life. The research was broken into three distinct parts: (1) a city-level evaluation of the environmental impacts of demolitions following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence in New Zealand, (2) the development of a probabilistic framework to incorporate earthquake damage into LCA, and (3) using case-study buildings to establish links between sustainable and resilient design. The first phase of the research focused on the environmental impacts of demolitions in Christchurch, New Zealand following the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. This large case study was used to investigate the environmental impact of the demolition of concrete buildings considering the embodied carbon and waste stream distribution. The embodied carbon was considered here as kilograms of CO2 equivalent that occurs on production, construction, and waste management stage. The results clearly demonstrated the significant environmental impacts that can result from moderate and large earthquakes in urban areas, and the importance of including environmental considerations when making post-earthquake demolition decisions. The next phase of the work introduced a framework for incorporating the impacts of expected earthquake damage based on a probabilistic approach into traditional LCA to allow for a comparison of seismic design decisions using a carbon lens. Here, in addition to initial construction impacts, the seismic carbon risk was quantified, including the impacts of seismic repair activities and total loss scenarios assuming reconstruction in case of non-reparability. A process-based LCA was performed to obtain the environmental consequence functions associated with structural and non-structural repair activities for multiple environmental indicators. In the final phase of the work, multiple case-study buildings were used to investigate the seismic consequences of different structural design decisions for buildings in seismic regions. Here, two case-study buildings were designed to multiple performance objectives, and the upfront carbon costs, and well as the seismic carbon risk across the building life were compared. The buildings were evaluated using the framework established in phase 2, and the results demonstrated that the seismic carbon risk can significantly be reduced with only minimal changes to the upfront carbon for buildings designed for a higher base shear or with seismic protective systems. This provided valuable insight into the links between resilient and sustainable design decisions. Finally, the results and observations from the work across the three phases of research described above were used to inform a discussion on important assumptions and topics that need to be considered when quantifying the environmental impacts of earthquake damage on buildings. These include: selection of a non-repairable threshold (e.g. a value beyond which a building would be demolished rather than repaired), the time value of carbon (e.g. when in the building life the carbon is released), the changing carbon intensity of structural materials over time, and the consideration of deterministic vs. probabilistic results. Each of these topics was explored in some detail to provide a clear pathway for future work in this area.
A digger clearing rubble from a demolished building in the central city.
A worker in a digger, clearing rubble from a demolished building in the central city.
A story submitted by Rosalee Jenkin to the QuakeStories website.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 1 March 2013
An entry from Deb Robertson's blog for 20 January 2012 entitled, "This week I've been....".
Transcript of Grant Simpson's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A photograph of a New Zealand Fire Service Environment Protection Unit truck parked outside Latimer Square.
A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 12 July 2013