A fire engine parked beside the damaged Piko Wholefoods. Large sections of the brick facade have collapsed.
A fire engine parked behind the cordon fencing and road cones on Victoria Street. In the background is Christchurch Casino and the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Tiny British-made locomotive engines first began chugging between Ferrymead’s Wharf on the estuary and the city on December 1st, 1863. This was New Zealand’s first public railway line, …
Looking down Kilmore Street, three fire engines can be seen in the temporary structure being used by the Fire Service after the fire station was damaged.
Looking down Kilmore Street, three fire engines can be seen in the temporary structure being used by the Fire Service after the fire station was damaged.
Broken stained glass in a window of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The photographer comments, "I only managed to get one picture of the badly earthquake damaged Christchurch Cathedral and I did not want to get the buttresses holding it up like some Medieval siege engine, so I thought this one was perfect. Looking through the window notice that the adjacent wall has gone and the blue windows belong to an office block across the road".
A motion-blurred photograph of houses, with the Port Hills in the background. The photographer comments, "This I hope gives you a feel of what it feels like in an earthquake. When you spend your whole life thinking that you and your home are built on solid ground, it can be quite a shock when you find it is not. You can feel the house shaking like a dog with a toy, rising up violently underneath you or the most gentle form which is when the ground moves gently like a wave moving under a rowing boat. It is not just the movement, you often get a rumbling sound which can precede a violent shake or can result in no movement at all. This means that some vehicles can sound like the rumbling initially and in the early days would get your heart racing. Another form of stress is when big excavators as heavy as a tank move as you can feel the ground shake from streets away, but you do not always hear the engine. For most of us the problem when the shaking starts, is wondering if this is the start of an extremely violent earthquake or will it peter out".
The title is 'Gambling on the rise in Christchurch'. Several vignettes show two men running in the 'Porta-loo stakes (runs)'; people betting on the 'size of the next shake'; people betting on 'who will have the last chimney standing'; a man sitting over a pot on a little gas ring wondering 'How long will it take to boil a 3 minute egg... when it's minus 10 in the kitchen'; someone in a car wondering 'Whose street can wipe out the most engine sumps'; and someone wondering 'Which power company will be first to put people before profits'. Context: The way of things following the earthquakes of September 4 2010, 22 February 2011 and 13 June 2011. The Problem Gambling Foundation says it is concerned more Christchurch people are turning to gambling to combat stress from earthquakes. It says spending on pokie machines in Christchurch has risen by almost $4 million, going against a downward national trend. The foundation says the data released by the Department of Internal Affairs shows spending on gaming machines rose by more than $3,800,000 in Christchurch city to almost $23 million. (Radio NZ News 26 July 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).