An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 23 April 2011 entitled, "Egg-free Easter?".
Children participating in the egg race at Gap Filler's Fun Fair in Addington.
Men participating in the egg race at Gap Filler's Fun Fair in Addington.
A man participating in the egg race at Gap Filler's Fun Fair in Addington.
A man helping a child in the egg race at Gap Filler's Fun Fair in Addington.
A photograph of a carton of eggs inside the fridge of a flat on Poplar Street during the Residential Access Project. The project gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes. The contents of the fridge have gone mouldy after being left in there for three weeks.
Shows an egg that represents '2012' with a chick beginning to peck its way out. In the background storms rage. Someone hopes that it will 'be softer and fuzzier than the last one!' Context: Refers to the difficulties and disasters of 2011 in New Zealand. Christchurch earthquakes and aftershocks continue with complicating rebuilding and insurance issues, the wreck of the Rena, and various weather events and political issues. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The title is 'Gambling on the rise in Christchurch'. Several vignettes show two men running in the 'Porta-loo stakes (runs)'; people betting on the 'size of the next shake'; people betting on 'who will have the last chimney standing'; a man sitting over a pot on a little gas ring wondering 'How long will it take to boil a 3 minute egg... when it's minus 10 in the kitchen'; someone in a car wondering 'Whose street can wipe out the most engine sumps'; and someone wondering 'Which power company will be first to put people before profits'. Context: The way of things following the earthquakes of September 4 2010, 22 February 2011 and 13 June 2011. The Problem Gambling Foundation says it is concerned more Christchurch people are turning to gambling to combat stress from earthquakes. It says spending on pokie machines in Christchurch has risen by almost $4 million, going against a downward national trend. The foundation says the data released by the Department of Internal Affairs shows spending on gaming machines rose by more than $3,800,000 in Christchurch city to almost $23 million. (Radio NZ News 26 July 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).