Pregnant women and new mothers are escaping the disruption and risk of Christchurch in the wake of Tuesday's earthquake.
An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 03 July 2014 entitled, "Daily Disruption".
Critical infrastructure networks are highly relied on by society such that any disruption to service can have major social and economic implications. Furthermore, these networks are becoming increasingly dependent on each other for normal operation such that an outage or asset failure in one system can easily propagate and cascade across others resulting in widespread disruptions in terms of both magnitude and spatial reach. It is the vulnerability of these networks to disruptions and the corresponding complexities in recovery processes which provide direction to this research. This thesis comprises studies contributing to two areas (i) the modelling of national scale in-terdependent infrastructure systems undergoing major disruptions, and (ii) the tracking and quantification of infrastructure network recovery trajectories following major disruptions. Firstly, methods are presented for identifying nationally significant systemic vulnerabilities and incorporating expert knowledge into the quantification of infrastructure interdependency mod-elling and simulation. With application to the interdependent infrastructures networks across New Zealand, the magnitudes and spatial extents of disruption are investigated. Results high-light the importance in considering interdependencies when assessing disruptive risks and vul-nerabilities in disaster planning applications and prioritising investment decisions for enhancing resilience of national networks. Infrastructure dependencies are further studied in the context of recovery from major disruptions through the analysis of curves measuring network functionality over time. Continued studies into the properties of recovery curves across a database of global natural disasters produce statistical models for predicting the trajectory and expected recovery times. Finally, the use of connectivity based metrics for quantifying infrastructure system functionality during recovery are considered with a case study application to the Christchurch Earthquake (February 22, 2011) wastewater network response.
A presentation by Dr David Conradson at UC CEISMIC's Contestable Fund mini-conference. The presentation was titled, "Stories of Movement: experiences of disruption and adjustment in a post-quake city".
It's 10 years since the first big Christchurch earthquake - and if you'd just started school then you're now ending your decade of education amidst a global pandemic. We meet two teens for whom disruption is normal.
Earthquake events can be sudden, stressful, unpredictable, and uncontrollable events in which an individual’s internal and external assumptions of their environment may be disrupted. A number of studies have found depression, and other psychological symptoms may be common after natural disasters. They have also found an association between depression, losses and disruptions for survivors. The present study compared depression symptoms in two demographically matched communities differentially affected by the Canterbury (New Zealand) earthquakes. Hypotheses were informed by the theory of learned helplessness (Abramson, Seligman & Teasdale, 1978). A door-to-door survey was conducted in a more physically affected community sample (N=67) and a relatively unaffected community sample (N=67), 4 months after the February 2011 earthquake. Participants were again assessed approximately 10 months after the quake. Measures of depression, acute stress, anxiety, aftershock anxiety, losses, physical disruptions and psychological disruptions were taken. In addition, prior psychological symptoms, medication, alcohol and cigarette use were assessed. Participants in the more affected community reported higher depression scores than the less affected community. Overall, elevated depressive score at time 2 were predicted by depression at time 1, acute stress and anxiety symptoms at time 2, physical disruptions following the quake and psychosocial functioning disruptions at time 2. These results suggest the influence of acute stress, anxiety and disruptions in predicting depression sometime after an earthquake. Supportive interventions directed towards depression, and other psychological symptoms, may prove helpful in psychological adjustment following ongoing disruptive stressors and uncontrollable seismic activity.
Slides from a presentation by Dr David Conradson at UC CEISMIC's Contestable Fund mini-conference. The presentation was titled, "Stories of Movement: experiences of disruption and adjustment in a post-quake city".
People living near an earthquake dump site in Christchurch are fed up with the constant noise, dust and vibrations from passing trucks which is making them feel like they are living on a motorway.
Amidst the damage and disruption of the Canterbury earthquake, spare a thought for the animals.
A video of the second part of an address by Dr. Rod Carr, Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. Dr. Carr talks about how the University coped with the immediate disruption caused by the February earthquake, and turned a crisis into an opportunity by strengthening its learning and innovation roles in seismic-related areas and other domains.
A video of the first part of an address by Dr. Rod Carr, Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. Dr. Carr talks about how the University coped with the immediate disruption caused by the February earthquake, and turned a crisis into an opportunity by strengthening its learning and innovation roles in seismic-related areas and other domains.
A video about weddings taking place in Christchurch in the days following 4 September 2010, despite the disruptions caused by the earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch designer Kathryn Leah Payne has had her preparations for Fashion Week in Auckland disrupted after the Canterbury earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch designer Kathryn Leah Payne has had her preparations for Fashion Week in Auckland disrupted after the Canterbury earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch designer Kathryn Leah Payne has had her preparations for Fashion Week in Auckland disrupted after the Canterbury earthquake".
The Law Society is warning disruption to services following last month's earthquake in Christchurch is likely to lead to a massive bottleneck of court cases.
Canterbury retail spending surges following earthquake disruptions. Traders face potential prison terms in Britain's rate-rigging scandal and the sharemarket falls half a percent.
Summary report prepared for Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism which presented overall research findings with a focus on those relaing to the provision and effectiveness of visitor information after the February 2011 earthquake
A document containing examples of items and activities SCIRT implemented as part of the programme to support businesses affected and disrupted by SCIRT central city rebuild work.
A document illustrating elements of door to door contact, which is an initiative to help communities affected by nearby disruptive SCIRT works to understand what is happening.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Downtown pullout. John Hunter, manager of Rialto Cinemas in Harvey Norman Centre, Moorhouse Avenue. Up and running again following the disruption after the earthquake".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Downtown pullout. John Hunter, manager of Rialto Cinemas in Harvey Norman Centre, Moorhouse Avenue. Up and running again following the disruption after the earthquake".
Ports of Auckland says incidents such as the strikes which crippled its operations and the Canterbury earthquakes which disrupted the Port of Lyttelton's operations shows New Zealand needs a resilient port sector.
High School students in Christchurch have defied the odds and the ongoing disruption caused by the earthquakes and achieved better marks in last year's NCEA than students in the rest of the country.
Earthquakes disrupted schooling in Canterbury this year, but the region's teenagers can rest assured they will not be rattled by unexpected references to quakes in this year's NCEA and Scholarship exams.
High School students in Christchurch have defied the odds and the ongoing disruption caused by the earthquakes and achieved better marks in last year's NCEA than students in the rest of the country.
A document containing examples of items provided in a folder for businesses. These are taken to the initial face-to-face meeting with business owners to discuss the impact and disruption of upcoming SCIRT rebuild works.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Hugh Hobden, the Model Yacht Club's Commodore, said the club's sailing has been disrupted with the September earthquake severely damaging Victoria Lake, forcing their members to relocate to the Groynes ponds".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Hugh Hobden, the Model Yacht Club's Commodore, said the club's sailing has been disrupted with the September earthquake severely damaging Victoria Lake, forcing their members to relocate to the Groynes ponds".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Hugh Hobden, the Model Yacht Club's Commodore, said the club's sailing has been disrupted with the September earthquake severely damaging Victoria Lake, forcing their members to relocate to the Groynes ponds".