A photograph of the former site of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. Murphy's house was demolished after her land was zoned Red. The house next door has also been demolished. Grass has grown over both sites.
A photograph of the former site of the house at 466 Oxford Terrace. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Wire fencing has been placed in front of the site.
A photograph of the former site of the house at 466 Oxford Terrace, taken from the site next door. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Wire fencing has been placed around the site as a cordon.
A photograph of the former site of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. Murphy's house was demolished after her land was zoned Red. Grass has grown over the site.
A photograph of the former site of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. Murphy's house was demolished after her land was zoned Red. Grass has grown over the site.
A photograph of the former site of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. Murphy's house was demolished after her land was zoned Red. Grass has grown over the site.
A photograph of the former site of a house at 466 Oxford Terrace. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow on the site.
A photograph of the former site of a house at 58 Bangor Street. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. The grass has begun to grow over the site.
A photograph of the former site of a house at 466 Oxford Terrace. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow on the site. The house number has been spray-painted on the footpath in front.
A photograph of the former site of the houses at 422, 424, and 426 Oxford Terrace. The houses were demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow over the sites.
A photograph of the former site of Doug Sexton's house at 378 Oxford Terrace. Sexton's house was demolished after his land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow in the site.
A photograph of the former site of the houses at 422, 424, and 426 Oxford Terrace. The houses were demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow over the sites.
A photograph of the former site of Doug Sexton's house at 378 Oxford Terrace. Sexton's house was demolished after his land was zoned Red.
A photograph of the former site of a house at 456 Oxford Terrace. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. In the middle of the site is a walnut tree. Wire fencing has been placed across the front as a cordon.
A photograph of 386 and 378 Oxford Terrace, taken from across the road. The former site of Doug Sexton's house is on the right, behind the wire fence. Sexton's house was demolished after his land was Red zoned.
A photograph of the former site of a block of apartments at 440 Oxford Terrace. The apartments were demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow over the site. The number 466 has been spray-painted on the footpath in front, as well as the numbers of each apartment. This number is the incorrect street number for the site.
A video of a tour of Gloucester Street from Dallington to Rolleston Avenue, a five kilometre journey which can be seen as a cross-section of the Canterbury rebuild. The video includes footage of the site of the demolished St George's Presbyterian Church in Linwood, New Regent Street, the Rendezvous Hotel, the Isaac Theatre Royal, the Press building, the Christchurch Art Gallery, and Christ's College.