A black and white photograph of a pile of rubble in front of a window. In the background behind the window a gap in the building can be seen. The photographer comments, "The result of the Christchurch earthquakes".
Police are investigating at least 19 cases of looting throughout Canterbury after properties were robbed while occupants fled to safety.
Beware the darkness, children, for there be monsters We love to characterise the dark as something to be feared, the territory of nightmares, of ghouls and ghosts and things that go bump. In our collective psyche it belongs to the … Continue reading →
A photograph submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "A dark day to begin the demolition of our house".
Residents in one of the streets worst affected by the Canterbury earthquake say they're still in the dark about their future.
An audit of the Earthquake Commission's quake repairs in Christchurch has found many dissatisfied home owners and others being left in the dark.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The heart of the city is dark in the evenings, although the lights twinkle from the other side".
Dressed in a black cutaway coat, dark trousers and a white silk neckcloth, and sporting a Billy-Cock hat over short hair, Henry Jame Muir stood before a London magistrate in 1889 dressed in the clo…
Peering into the mirror, Ethel May Bradley places on her head the large black hat that her sister-in-law, Clara has trimmed for her with ribbon. Reflected back is a neat figure dressed in a dark bl…
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Prime Minister John Key visited Christchurch after its 7.1 magnitude earthquake at 04:35 Saturday morning. MPs John Carter, left, and David Carter, PM Key back to camera, dark jacket, and Mayor Bob Parker".
Shows singer Elvis Presley wearing '2010' dark glasses and singing 'I'm all shook up!' Context - The Christchurch earthquake of 4 September 2010 and aftershocks which are continuing into 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Context of the project: On 4 September 2010, 22 February 2011, 13 June 2011 and 23 December 2011 Christchurch suffered major earthquakes and aftershocks (well over 10,000) that have left the central city in ruins and many of the eastern suburbs barely habitable even now. The earthquakes on 22 February caused catastrophic loss of life with 185 people killed. The toll this has taken on the residents of Christchurch has been considerable, not least of all for the significant psychological impact and disruption it has had on the children. As the process of rebuilding the city commenced, it became clear that the arts would play a key role in maintaining our quality of life during difficult times. For me, this started with the children and the most expressive of all the art forms – music.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the foyer of the Christchurch Art Gallery. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch art gallery has been closed to the public since the February 2011 earthquake and its reopening seems to be in the distant future. I want to convey the feeling that if art is not looked at darkness starts to overcome it and the paint starts to peel off".
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One brown cardboard box which contained a dozen bottles of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The Three Boys logo and name features in black printing on each side with 12x500ml printed on long sides. A dark green sticker with white writing, which also appears on the bottles, is attached to the top leaf. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brew...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...
One green glass 500ml bottle of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The bottle has a dark green rectangular label with white writing and the brewery logo on front and back. The bottle is sealed by a brass cap with a piece of red brick on top; brick and cap are sealed in wax. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brewery sustained only minor damag...